Chapter 122

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Not the day after that evening, but the day after that, I had these horrid pains, it waking me up. When I sat up and turned on the light, I realised that my water had broken. Fuck.

I stood up from my bed, or tried to, but it was hard. I moved to the side and I grabbed my phone and I dialled up Christian. "Yes?" He said right away, I looked at the time and I realised it was during the day.

"My water broke and I can't get out of bed." I muttered before I let the phone fall out of my hand because the pain that I experienced before, was back. I knew it was a contraction, but fuck did it hurt. I put my hand on my belly and I tried to breathe but it hurt like a motherfucker. After a while I heard a knock on the door, or rather someone trying to open the door; but it was impossible. I had locked it, put a chair under the handle and everything.

"BABE. OPEN THE DOOR." I heard Christian yell, but I couldn't. I was near the end of the bed now and I had swung my legs over the leaning.

"I can't." I breathed. "I can't." I breathed again and I then heard kicking and kicking and after a while, I saw Christian standing there. His face was red and I knew he had kicked open the door. Daniel was standing next to him and he opened the door now, kicking the chair away as he walked dup to me.

"Let's get you to the hospital ok?" He said and I nodded as I looked at him and then Christian.

"Luther?" I breathed and Christian and Danny looked at one another, before looking at me. What was that look? Had he actually done something?

"He's currently in a meeting in Valkarae." Christian said. "He won't pick up his phone. We'll get you to the hospital and then figure things out ok?"

"But, it- I need him." I said in total and utter panic. "I can't have these babies without him." I whimpered looking at Christian in total panic. "We'll wait until he's here." I said steadfast. I wasn't leaving this bed until he was here.

"Love, we have to leave. Your contractions are minutes apart!" Daniel said and I tried to fight them, but it was no use. They grabbed me together and brought me outside towards the car that was there waiting for me. I was sobbing and I kept repeating Luthers name and telling them to stop. But they wouldn't listen to me. I turned my head towards the castle, wishing I could see Luther.

"Luther." I breathed looking at Daniel and Daniel grabbed his phone and he kept trying to call Luther, but eh didn't pick up. "He doesn't want to be with me anymore." I said through my sobs now as we arrived at the hospital. A team was waiting there with a wheelchair and I sobbed as I was put on there and I put my hand on my stomach. When I arrived at the hospital room, they placed me in the bed. A doctor came literally seconds after I was seated and, without even informing me, put my legs on these things and he looked at my vagina. Daniel and Christian grabbed my hands, I thought for comfort, but a part of me felt like I was being held down.

"Yeah. She's going to have to push soon."

"No. These babies are not-" But they weren't listening to me. They were talking over me. They were discussing my babies, without taking me into account. The door opened and for one fleet full second I hoped that it was Luther, but instead it was Hugo. Hugo looked at the situation and he could see my panic. He right away talked to the doctor, him also joining into the conversation. I couldn't hear what they were saying, all I could hear was my heartbeat. All I could feel was the pain, the pain of my fucking vagina, but also because Luther wasn't here.

"STOP IT!" I yelled out of my core and everyone stopped talking. "I am not having these boys until King Luther of fucking Locatlie is here. You will not fucking force me."

"The babies will die if you don't push, love." Daniel said and I stared at him and in that moment it hit me; I wasn't as important as the babies. The babies were the future kings of Locatlie. I was just the carrier of them. He saw the change in my eyes. "That's not the case. But Luther isn't picking up ok sweetie?" He said grabbing my face. "You've got us and father."

"I need Luther." I begged looking at him. "Or does he not want to be here?" I said as I felt my heartbeat lowering and then drastically highering. I could hear it too because of the machine.

"He hasn't been picking up his phone. Father, ask dad to call everyone there until someone informs him." Daniel said and Christian put my hair out of my face and put a wet cloth on my face.

"I need. Luther. Here. We haven't- I need him here." I demanded and Christian nodded carefully.

"He will be here."

"No, you don't understand ok!" I yelled at christian, and everyone was listening in but I didn't give two shits about that. "We have't talked in months. I need him here. HE needs to be here. He needs to-." I said as sobs were escaping my mouth. "He can't miss this. He can't- I've let him miss so much in the past weeks and months of this pregnancy. He can't miss the birth either. He can't do that- I can't do that." I said and Hugo now grabbed my face.

"He won't hate you if you give birth without him. He won't hold it against you. He won't think this is one of the mind and heart games the two of you are doing. He will understand."

"No." I said shaking my head.

"Will is at the meeting." Hugo said grabbing my face. "He informed Luther and they're on their way here. He's flying the helicopter here. He'll be here in about an hour and a half or two ok? We can't wait that long." I looked at him and nodded. "He will be here for you ok? During or after the birth. It's going to be fine."

"But Luther." I whimpered as Hugo stared at me. "I didn't mean any of it. I didn't I swear."

"I know. He knows it deep down inside of him too. He's just too much like me." I heard a voice state and I turned my head and Julia walked in. "He's too stubborn and too petty. He's going to be all right. You're going to be all right. You've got this. I know it's scary. I had to give birth to Chris and Carrie without Hugo because he was at a meeting internationally. I know how scary it is ok?" She said as she put her hand on Hugo's back and then grabbed my hand. "You've got Chris and Dan with you? You've got me. You've got Hugo. We're going to do this together ok dove?" I stared at her and nodded. "And afterwards you can yell at Luther all you want, or not yell and just hold onto him. In a couple of hours you're going to have two beautiful baby boys and everything is going to be all right. But right now, we have to get those baby boys out because there is one whom is coming any minute now and he needs to get out."

"I can't do this." I whimpered.

"I thought so too. I had just come from the war of hearts." She said calmly looking at me. "I thought I wouldn't be able to parent. And to a certain extent I was right. But you can do this. You've got three supportive husbands, whom sometimes can be stubborn assholes. But they love you and they will help you. I will help you. You've got me ok?" I nodded looking at her as the doctor now looked at me with a nod. I had to start pushing and that's what I did. I held onto Chris and Dan's hand as tightly as possible.

After about half an hour, I heard crying and it wasn't from anyone here. I looked down and I saw a baby boy and my eyes widened as a relief spread over me. They handed the baby towards me and I looked at the little boy. He had brown hair going everywhere and he had the cutest fucking nose in the world. I sobbed as I looked at him.

"He's a Matt." I whispered as they were doing shit below me, but I wasn't bothered. I looked at little Matt and he was so darn adorable. They took him away after a while and my heartbeat started to rise.

"They're going to do check-ups on him ok? It's ok dove." Hugo said and I looked at him and my eyes widened and I nodded. The doctors were now discussing things and they then put something in my vagina.

"We're going to have to do an emergency C-section. The second baby isn't positioned correctly and he has the string around his neck." They said and before I could even interrupt, they carried me away.

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