Chapter 42

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Pure hate and disgust was the only thing I saw in his blue eyes. We were currently the same height, not because I was standing on a table, or because he lowered himself. No, we were the same height because he had grabbed me by the neck, hard, and put me up against the wall to his eye height. As he smashed my head against the wall, I could feel it opening up and blood coming out. It hurt, it hurt. I knew Christian was strong, but I had never personally experienced it, as he never dared to hurt me. He had felt too guilty for my hearing as a child, that he'd do anything in the world to make sure I was happy.

Yet, here we were, his hand around my neck, making sure I couldn't breathe. I put my hands up to his arms right away, trying to get him to release me. But his strength was fucking uncanny. He didn't even budge. I would not win this with strength. I knew that fear was in my eyes, as I could feel my soul slipping away from my body. I could feel my path to Seglusa's realm becoming more and more clear.

He was glaring at me the way he did to our siblings when we were younger and took a toy of ours that we were playing with. I had just grabbed the toy he had been playing with for three months, one of his favourite toys, and played with it. It was a toy to him, and I was nothing. That toy was more important than I was. His revenge to what they did to Erica was more important than I was. Erica was more important than I was.

"Please let go of me." I signed, as I couldn't talk, as he was literally holding onto my vocal chords and squishing them. I could feel them close to snapping and fucking hell that hurt. "Please let go of me. I'll leave. I'll leave. You're killing me. Please." I signed, but he didn't let go at all, he was still glaring at me. Making this as slow as possible.

Another sign that we were totally different. I would've snapped the persons neck in half right away, but no Christian liked slow and steady. Making it so fucking painful that I wanted to die right now, that I wanted to plead for him to kill me instead of making this torturous road any longer.

But this wasn't my Christian, this wasn't my brother. This was his grey monster, this wasn't the guy that would move heaven and earth for my happiness. This was the monster that everyone feared, everyone but me, until now. The look in his eyes, I didn't recognise, as it was pure hate and disgust. It was like I was looking at a wild animal, not my loving caring brother. No. This wasn't my Christian. This wasn't my Christian.

Why was nobody stepping in? I knew there were tens of people watching this interaction? Why did nobody run in and stop Christian? But then it hit me; Christian would be King one day. He was way up in the line of importance, while I was the youngest daughter. I was nobody. I was just another casualty that happened in this room. It also didn't help that they were probably absolutely petrified of Christian. I mean, I didn't know if I would have the balls to walk into the room, afraid that I would be the next person whom would be slowly killed.

I would be killed, by the hands of my brother, my twin brother. The guy that I had shared a womb with, the person that had been with me every second since our creation. It was a fitting way to leave this world and somehow that gave me a bit of peace. If I was going to die, like I was right now, I would want it to be at the hands of my brother. If I was going to be in Seglusa's realm, I would want the last person I was looking at, to be Christian. But this wasn't Christian. This wasn't my Christian. This wasn't my brother. This was a monster, no monster was an understatement. I couldn't quite find the word for it, although that was probably because the air was leaving my lungs, and no oxygen was going to my brain soon. I would soon be brain dead, which would be worse than actual death. It was worse than death, because I could still feel the pain, but I would not be able to process it. It was worse and that scared me more than death.

The door got smashed open and I couldn't look away, as my whole body felt numb at the moment. Had he broken one of my neck thingies; I couldn't concentrate anymore, as my mind was getting foggy. I could see Seglusa's realm closing in and in. My brother was killing me, all because I had touched his toy.

"I as your Leader King, demand you to let go." I heard Dad's voice. He had such a powerful voice. I must be in Seglusa's realm already, as there was no chance that Dad was actually here right? Did that mean that dad was dead too? That he had actually tried to save me, or come into the room, meaning that Christian had killed him too? No, that was impossible, it would never get that far right?

'Dad leave', I wanted to say. I wanted to tell him to leave, that it was ok. That he would kill me and that he would never forgive himself. That he'd open up after this, ridden with guilt. Make sure everything was fine. But I couldn't speak, I couldn't sign. I was in pain. My whole body felt like it was on fire and yet numb at the same time. It was a weird feeling, something I never ever wanted to experience in my life. But I probably would never get the chance to feel anything again.

I felt the hand on my neck loosening just enough for me to get a bit of air, but it hurt as I tried to breath, everything hurt. "LET. GO. CHRISTIAN." I heard dad repeat and that's when Christian literally let go and he let me fall on the floor, hitting my head again. It was then that I was free to breathe and I wanted to scream any time I took a breath, but my vocal chords were basically snapped in half. I held onto my neck and I opened my mouth to make sound, but even that hurt too much. Tears were streaming down my face and I wanted to scream it out not only in pain, but also in fear. My brother had just tried to kill me. My brother had just tried to kill me. I was this close to death.

"You go to the cleansing room and don't you dare lock it or I will break it up. Daniel take your sister to the medical ward to your sister Rose. RIGHT NOW." Dad said in his king voice. I felt an arm under my leg; good I had feeling in it, and another one by my back and I screamed it out as he picked me up, as movement hurt. I held onto Daniels shirt as tightly as I could as I felt the pain course through my whole body, and not just the physical one. "NOW!" Dad snarled. I opened my eyes and I saw that Christian was currently staring at me, his eyes wide in shock, before looking at dad. 

The look in Christian's eyes, it was looking at my brother again. My brother had returned. Under any other circumstances, I would've tried to comfort him, as I saw the pain in his eyes, the pure and heartbreaking pain. But this asshole had tried to kill me. He had almost killed me and I couldn't feel anything but pure fear and disgust as I stared at my brother. This in return made the pain in his eyes even more evident; as he could read me like a book and he knew he had fucked up. Or at least, I hoped that, maybe I was imagining things, as my mind right now was all over the place. I was seeing things that surely weren't actually here, like a lobster that was around Daniel's head. 

I looked at Dad, as Daniel passed him, and the fury in his eyes was something I had never seen, nor would ever in my life see again, but I didn't have time to process it. I couldn't process anything apart from the pain that was coursing through my body. 

"Faint." I signed to Daniel. "faint." I repeated and after that I felt my body giving up on trying to deal with the pain, and I let my mind go to a peaceful place, a place where Christian didn't hurt me.

A place where Christian was still my Christian, a place where Christian didn't hurt me.



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