Chapter 24

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"Stop it for a second." Papa said and he looked at Isla now with his king look and Erica looked at him in fear now. "How did you find out?"

"Erica uhm." Isla stammered nervously now and she looked at her hands. "She said there was this new artist named Bella, that she was all secretive about her identity. She brought out a full album a week ago. We only heard this song so far, we thought it would be best to listen to all of this together. I don't know where mum and Luther are? Rose she's coming over now." Isla said and papa nodded slowly.

"I'll get mum and Luther." Daniel said and I looked at Papa whom looked like he was furious but in so much pain at the same time.

"I don't think it's necessary to undertake any actions towards it though, with all respect sir." Erica said with fear in her eyes and she was shaking. Everyone stared at her in total disbelief now.

"Pardon?" Papa then snapped at her and she closed her eyes in fear for a second before opening her eyes.

"She's been very secretive about it. Some songs suggest a lot of pain and stuff, but she never mentions any of this." Erica stammered. "You know how much I love a mystery and I've been following the blogs and stuff like that, and nobody from the Locatlie family is even in thought of being Bella. She brought out music video's just earlier; that's how we- I wanted to see them." She stammered now and I looked at Papa whom was staring at Erica, still with his king look. "I didn't see her there. I don't think she'd do that."

"I agree with her." Father said after ten silent tense full seconds. "She wouldn't- she's secretive I believe? You didn't even know."

"Yes, but one day she is going to perform." Papa said looking at father and dad was staring ahead as mum, Rose and Luther all walked in at the same time.

"What is going on?" Rose asked as I then realised Freya wasn't here and she was grabbing a TV.

"Your sister has brought out an album." Papa said curtly and I looked at mum whose eyes widened. "We don't know anything about it. The world doesn't know it's her yet. We are going to watch the music video's, as she's brought out one for every song. I am going to assess the situation and the danger. Erica, I will have to let you sign another NDA, a live binding one, that whatever you hear and-"

"Of course. Once again, sorry for my disrespect earlier. I saw her and I uhm." She stammered. "She looked lost, I don't think she'd ever uhm." She said and she looked at her hands again. "And the songs; anyway. Yeah."

"What kind of songs are there?" Rose demanded right away and mum, to everyone surprise, went and sat by father. Rose gave me a look and I gave her a look of 'later'.

"Uhm. Mainly love songs, heartbreak songs. One song is-." Suddenly her eyes widened. "King Hugo, what do your children call you again? Just to make sure?" She stammered and Father looked at her confused.


"Yeah, there is one song mentioning the situation directly. But it's not clear unless you know the story. Do you have Netflix here?" She asked as she grabbed her phone and everyone stared at her confused. "She brought out the music video's in a movie form type of thing on Netflix. In the order it's needed." Erica elaborated.

Freya logged into Netflix now and I looked at Rose whom went and sat next to me and I let out a small breath as I saw Erica sitting down next to Isla and Isla gave her a comforting smile.

"You have balls." Mum said not looking at Erica.

"Who?" Rose asked.

"Erica has balls." Mum said and she had a huge smile on her face. "If she wasn't gay, she'd be a perfect queen." She muttered casually and Erica stared at Mum with her eyes wide and I looked at mum with a raised eyebrow. Mum was sitting against father, her back facing his side and he had his arm over her shoulder and she ignored that. She turned her head to me. "What? Standing up to your Papa when he's all Trevvie. Balls." She said and Erica smiled a bit at that.

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