Epilogue: Part 7.

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It took some time for my eyes to adjust before I realised where I was, I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the place. I stared at King Roberts statue, with the benches. It was where we reunited after the war. It was a place we went to loads to have a picnic. It was where we spend a lot of time. I turned my head and I saw Gotar mountain and I laughed and shook my head. Of course.

I decided I wasn't going to run around looking for him. I knew Trevor would move every single place in this Realm to find me, if not more. I'd wait patiently for him.

I went and sat on the bench and I looked at the statue of Robert and the moon behind it, as suddenly the sun disappeared. The lights around me turned on and I looked around before I stared back at the statue. Time went on for what felt like forever and my patience was really thinning. I stood up and I looked around, but he was nowhere to be found.

"You better not be punching them." I said towards the sky that was here, hoping Trevor would hear this. Hoping Trevor would know I was here. Maybe he was in Gotar, waiting in one of the thousands of cells for me? Or he was in the Pit? Where the fuck was the Pit? Maybe he wanted me to have a reunion with him and Jason. But I wanted it here. I wanted no distractions. I wanted Trevor to come to me.

"He always overexaturates doesn't he? I just told them that they had more time with you, but you know how dramatic they can be." The voice I had dreamt of more nights than I can count said. I closed my eyes and I had the biggest smile ever on my face. I felt his two arms around me and he put his head on my shoulder. "Hey baby, it's been way too long." He whispered in my ear. I turned around, opening my eyes, and my eyes widened as I saw Trevor.

He looked exactly like how I had met him the last time we had a dramatic reunion here. He was in his thirties, elder. He had some of the lines, but he was still him. His blonde hair went all over the place, he had a couple of frown lines on his face, but then again he was around the age of 30 right now. His blue eyes looked at me with so much joy, them slightly wet as he, like me, couldn't believe we were actually here right now. He was my Trevor. I put my hands on his face and he let me do that, but I could feel he wanted to here my voice.

I thought about our previous reunion for a second and a huge smile appeared on my face as I raised my hand, him expecting me to pull his head down to hug him, but instead, I slapped him hard across the face.

"HEY!" He said with a huge smile on his face. "Whats that for?" He demanded.

"For dying on me." I said as I then slapped him again. "This is for leaving me with these two idiots." And I then slapped him hard again, him moving his head sideways. "And this one is just for the fun of it." I said and he burst out into laughter as I laughed as well as I jumped up in his arms, and he picked me up right away, his hands under my bum, as my hands went in his amazing blonde hair, my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too." He whispered softly and I leaned my head back and grabbed his perfect face.

"You are so much like your father." I whispered softly. "I saw him and almost attacked him."

"He told me." He said and I frowned. "I had to tell Seglusa why I fucked with your process."

"But that's your whole thing, fucking with her processes right?"

"I told her that, she didn't think it was funny. Something with Balance."

"That word is really annoying." I confirmed and he nodded looking at me as I then couldn't stop myself and I pressed my lips onto his and he kissed me back right away, his hand on the back of my head and he deepened the kiss and he took a step forward and suddenly I felt like we were falling and I felt on a very soft place. I let go of his lips and I turned my head to look at where we were; we were in a bed, and he was on top of me and I burst out into laughter. "Can we here?" I said my eyes widening as he looked at me with the biggest smile ever as he leaned down and he kissed me.

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