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Chapter 8: The First Clash (08)

When she turned around, she saw the young man she met outside the cemetery that day. He was still wearing a tailor-made expensive dark gray suit, and the watch in his hand was luxurious and low-key, showing good taste.

Chen Ruxin looked at the information in her hand, then raised her head to look at the young man in front of him: "Chu Yue?"

"Yes." Chu Yue walked up to her, his thin lips curled slightly: "I didn't expect to see each other so soon."

I did not expect that Chen Ruxin slightly nodded: "Sit."

Chu Yue sat down opposite her, Chen Ruxin handed him a glass of water and said, "Tell me about your situation."

"I haven't been able to have sex with the opposite sex so far. I just feel disgusting when I kiss the other person." Chu Yue slender fingers cupped the glass, and stated calmly: "I confirm that I am physiologically normal and have a physiological effect on women.  The reaction, it’s just that I can’t make the last step with a woman."

Chen Ruxin asked calmly: "Have you tried to socialize with men?"

Chu Yue's expression was a little subtle, so he definitely glanced at her: "I'm not GAY."

"Well, when did you find yourself resisting sex?" Chen Ruxin's voice was soft, and although she looked cold on her face, her aura made people feel close. This is probably also the trait of those who engage in this line of business.  .

"Eighteen years old."

"What makes you resistant to sex?"

Chu Yue replied: "I love someone, she is unattainable to me, and I dare not touch it easily. The first gc in my life was with the help of a handkerchief." Chu Yue seemed to be remembering something,  "That is the birthday present she gave me."

"What if the object is the person you love?" Chen Ruxin looked at him, "Do you still feel disgusted?"

At Chen Ruxin's eyes, Chu Yue curled his mouth: "She has never liked me."

"I can see that you take the other person very importantly. Can you tell me about her?"

"She is a quiet and gentle girl. In fact, she doesn't care about anyone except the one she likes." Chu Yue's low voice sounded in the room: "We have been together, although it is very short, but you can come to me.  It's considered stolen time."

"You fell in love with her at first sight?"

"No." Chu Yue said: "I saw her for the first time when I was nine years old. At that time, I made a mistake and ran out of the house, and fell into the rain shelter on the side of the road.  I just remember the way she looked at me nervously, holding my hand over and over again and begging me not to die... It was the first time I heard someone wanted me to live so much. When I woke up I was in the hospital.  , But never saw her again. Later, until I went to the high school in the city, I saw her again... For me, it was God’s favor. But she didn’t remember me anymore. I watched her every day.  , I don’t know since when, chasing her figure has become a habit, and it’s hard to quit."

"I have read your previous basic information. Since childhood, both parents are no longer around and live with the elders in the family."


"The relationship between your parents is not good, and your childhood was squeezed and discriminated against by your peers. These are very sad things for your childhood." Chen Ruxin looked at him and said slowly: "Do you think your birth is a  Wrong? Is it not expected?"

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