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She opened her eyes and met those violet eyes that were as cold as ever...


Hearing her name, there was no obvious emotion in those cold eyes, just looking at her like this, and there was no plan to get up from her at all.

"...Well, wait..." Not waiting for Chen Ruxin to finish her words, Genesis did not tolerate her refusing to speak out.  His movements were rigid but powerful. Those violet pupils stared at her face for an instant, not letting go of any expression on her face.

Chen Ru's heart and body trembled. At that moment, she felt that the whole body seemed to be not her own. That kind of feeling made her completely irresistible, and unable to resist, so she could only let him do what she did.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the sky is getting dark outside, but Genesis still hasn't let her go.

"...Stop, Genesis." Chen Ruxin struggled to speak out, and his voice felt a little gritty because of long-term gasping.  Dumb, "I need water..."

Genesis stopped slightly, picked her up, and wrapped her with the white wings behind her. The two were closely connected, which made Chen Ruxin unable to retreat.

Bai Yu is very gentle, not hot, and it relieves Chen Ruxin's physical discomfort a lot.

Lips were covered with a slightly cool touch, and Chen Ruxin's eyes opened slightly, directly facing Genesis's.

She swallowed the water that Genesis gave to her, and finally her throat was not so uncomfortable, but she was a little confused about Genesis's behavior.

Seeing that Chen Ruxin didn't need water anymore, Genesis directly hugged her back to the bed, obviously not letting her go so easily.

Long-term physical exertion made it difficult for Chen Ruxin to support, but the person on his body was not fatigued, he could not move, and was unable to resist.  However, just when Chen Ruxin was half asleep, she suddenly heard a voice in her ear.


That kind of almost emotionless voice is in great contrast to what he is doing at this time. Perhaps it has been a long time since I heard Chen Ruxin's answer, Genesis's actions suddenly became fierce, and he did not spare any effort.  He also immediately pulled Chen Ruxin back from the state of being half-asleep and awake a lot.

"...Don't, take it easy." Chen Ruxin stretched out his hand to reject it and shook his head.

Genesis did not stop, and asked repeatedly: "Is it comfortable?"

This time, Chen Ruxin really heard it clearly. She shook her head and her breath was unstable: "Tired..."

Genesis stared at her face, his movements became more powerful, and his cold voice sounded again: "Does he make you comfortable?"

At that moment, Chen Ruxin's brain was blank, sobbed and nodded subconsciously.  I just want it all to end soon.

However, the violet pupils that were cold in both directions sank slightly, and then turned Chen Ruxin's whole body directly over, changing to a deeper posture to continue.

In the end, Chen Ruxin, before losing consciousness, still didn't want to understand how she angered him.

Seeing that she passed out, Genesis let her go, left her body, and then picked her up to the bath.

Going into the bath and seeing a lot of bruise marks on her body, Genesis's hand stroked those marks. This is a mark he printed, as if to declare his ownership.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now