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Chapter 21 (1)

Chen Ruxin just went to the bathroom to wash away the sticky feeling. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she still felt very uncomfortable. She looked at the mirror to reflect her appearance, and her lips were a little red. Maybe she used a bit harder to wipe.

After putting on her bathrobe, Chen Ruxin walked out of the bathroom, but when she saw the person sitting on the bed, she couldn't help but startled: "Xing Ye?"

At this time, Xing Ye was still wearing meticulous formal wear, and no wrinkles on his suit could be found. It looked like he had just returned from the company, but his face was colder than usual.

Xing Ye suppressed the hostility in his heart, tried to make his voice sound normal, and looked up at her: "Come here."

Chen Ruxin noticed that he was a little unhappy. Although he did not know the reason, he still walked towards him.

Before he came to him, Xing Ye stretched out his hand and pulled it lightly. Chen Ruxin suddenly fell into his arms with an unstable center of gravity. When he recovered, his legs were already sitting on his thighs.  Chen Ruxin felt that the aura on his body was a bit dangerous, but did not struggle, just looked at him quietly, "Are you angry?"

"Yeah." The low and deep voice carried an imperceptible violence, and his hot breath spilled on the side of his neck, making Chen Ruxin unable to help but want to avoid it.  "Don't move." The tone of the command made Chen Ruxin stop her evasive movement, and saw Xing Ye hoop her waist with one hand to prevent her from moving, while pinching her chin with the other hand, rubbing with the thumb of her thumb.  Her lower lip, her voice was low and dull with a deep dark atmosphere: "Who did you see in the afternoon?"

"..." Chen Ruxin's body was slightly stiff.

"Why don't you speak?" Xing also squinted dangerously, and the strength on his hands unconsciously increased, "Huh?"

If you say the name Xue Mingxuan honestly, you will surely irritate him, but if you lie, I'm afraid this person will become even more dangerous and uncontrollable.  Chen Ru thought to himself that the reason why Xing was so angry was that he really saw Xue Mingxuan kissing himself in the car.

With this person's terrible desire for monopolization and perverted desire for control, it is hard to ask yourself in a calm attitude.  Chen Ruxin's lower lip was a little sore, and she subconsciously licked the tip of her tongue, but didn't want Xing Ye to move slightly.  Perceiving his changes, Chen Ruxin slightly uttered a word: "It hurts."

Ke Xing Ye still held her hand on her lips, staring dullly at her as if she was stained with bloody lips.  Chen Ru thoughtfully licked his lips tentatively and licked his fingers.  Chen Ruxin realized that the person's breath seemed to be less violent than just now, so she gently held his fingers, sticking out the tip of his tongue, licking and biting, as if a docile little animal was trying to please his owner.

The lustful and pure scene in front of him made Xing Ye's eyes deep and dangerous, and his breathing became heavy, "What are you doing?" His voice was suppressed and muffled due to desire, but he couldn't refuse such sweetness.  Sense of touch, solemnly said: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Chen Ruxin bowed his head and licked the wetness of his fingertips, then raised his head to meet his deep and ink-like eyes, and said, "Don't be angry."

Xing Ye looked at his wet fingers and half-squinted his eyes: "Are you trying to please me?"

"Yeah." Chen Ruxin nodded docilely.

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