26 (2nd world)

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Chapter 26

"Host, the mission was successful~"

In the silent world, the sound of the system sounded, and Chen Ruxin's consciousness seemed to be floating among the clouds, unable to feel or touch anything. She can only talk to the system: "Where is this?"

"The new task has been opened, the host, you are now changing the copy~"

The copy has been changed...The last scene of the scene is still clearly reflected in her eyes. At that time, Xing must not die. If he is born again, I am afraid that no matter what he does, he will not be able to save it. But thinking about his current appearance, Chen Ruxin felt that he was not completely indifferent...

It's just that the strange emotion fell into the water like a pebble, and soon the ripples ceased.

At this time, Chen Ruxin couldn't see or feel anything. He could only ask the system: "Why can't I move?"

"Because you are in the glass tank right now~" The system didn't speak hurriedly, "You will get used to it now, and I will send you the mission information of this world later."

"Yeah." Chen Ruxin only has a clear consciousness. She can vaguely feel that her body is unable to integrate the memory of her body because she doesn't know what's wrong. She tried for a while, but to no avail, then asked the system: "Why does this body have no memory?"

The system replied: "Because you are not human anymore~"

After digesting the words of the system, and then reminiscing about the glass cylinder mentioned in the previous system, Chen Ruxin had a bad feeling: "Then what am I?"

"I will send you the mission information of this world. It may be a little uncomfortable. You have to bear it." As soon as the system's words fell, the overwhelming information instantly invaded Chen Ruxin's consciousness. It turned out that the system said that she should adapt to this. The words are not aimless.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Ruxin's consciousness gradually returned to clarity, and he began to sort out the messy information.

This world is not as peaceful as the previous world, blood and fighting are no longer illegal, and scenes of cannibalism can be seen everywhere. This world is also called "the end of the world" by the remaining people.

And Chen Ruxin's task in this world is the younger brother of this body, Chen Lingshao.

The two are not related by blood. The reason why the brothers and sisters match each other is that they only grew up in the same orphanage.

Both Chen Lingshao and the original owner were abandoned by their parents and left at the door of the orphanage when they were born. They were brought up by the then Dean Chen. Because the original owner was well-born and obedient, he was taken away by a couple surnamed Chen from a wealthy family with no children when he was seven years old. Four-year-old Chen Lingshao was also taken away that day.

When Chen Lingshao was in the orphanage, he was particularly close to the original owner. Later, the original owner was adopted by the couple. For the first time, Chen Lingshao, who was early-witted, used some means not to separate from the original owner. He appeared dirty in front of the couple, looking at them with longing eyes. However, for various reasons, they still did not take Chen Lingshao away, but he was also touched by the moment of his eyes.

So, after the original owner left the orphanage with the Chen couple, another couple came and took Chen Lingshao away.

Later, I learned that the two couples actually knew each other and lived not far away. Chen Lingshao was very excited when she heard the news because she deliberately saw her sister again.

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