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It's another spring.

The mountains are foggy and light rain is falling.

Holding an oil-paper umbrella, Qinglian walked side by side with Xing Ye on the path paved with wet bluestone slabs, and was walking down the mountain.

Today's Ziwei Palace has become more and more mysterious in the eyes of the world, and even the emperor cannot find it here.

Qing Lian and Xing also didn't intend to disturb the host here, so they concealed their breath.

Xing also shook her hand and exerted a slight force on this trip to the old place again.

When we reached the foot of the mountain, the rain gradually stopped.

Qing Lian put away the oil paper umbrella in her hand, and then the two went to the nearest town, bought a horse, and went on the road again.

Xing also sat on the horse, wrapped her hand around her waist, and asked, "Where does Ah Qin want to go?"

     "It will be all right."

In this way, Xing also took her to the desert and the island country, and finally came to King Chen.

I have been to places that I didn't have time to, and when the two were about to leave, they found that they had been in this world for nearly a month.

Today's Chen Guo is already the number one power on the mainland, and no one dares to invade.

The two walked side by side on the busiest road in both King Chen.

It is now night, and the whole street is brightly lit and lively.

Not far away, someone was setting off a lantern.

It turns out that today is the night of the Lantern Festival.

"Aqin, come with me." Xing Ye took her hand and walked towards the river.

When he got to the river, Xing Ye bought two lanterns from the vendor and handed one of them to Qinglian.

Qing Lian couldn't help but smiled, and reached out to take the lantern he handed over.

There were more and more lanterns in the river. Qinglian glanced at the lantern in her hand, moved slightly, wrote a sentence on it, and then bent down and put the lantern into the water.

"What did Ah Qin write?" Xing Ye didn't see it clearly.

Qing Lian tilted her head slightly and smiled softly at him: "Guess?"

The sound of firecrackers accompanied the fireworks in the sky, reflecting her smile, and Xing Ye's eyes moved slightly and he reached out and took her into his arms.

At that moment, the two breathed together, and Xing also obeyed the desire in his heart, lowered his head slightly and kissed her lips.

The tender kiss gradually heats up, and everything around it seems to be separated from the two of them.

"Mother, someone is playing with kisses there~~" faintly, I heard the child's immature voice.

"Hey, you child, you are not allowed to watch." The woman hurriedly pulled the child away, "Go, mother will take you to buy candied haws."

"I want to see my relatives~"

Neither of them used magic power, and stayed in this world like ordinary lovers.

Hearing the voice of the child and the sound of kind laughter from around this time, Qinglian reached out to his chest and gently pushed him away from her.

"Heh..." Seeing her look like this, Xing Ye couldn't help holding her hand and chuckled, "Ah Qin is shy?"

"...Nothing." Qinglian's cheeks were stained with a trace of crimson, and he wanted to withdraw her hand, but he restrained it tightly.  Qinglian couldn't help but say: "You... don't mess around here."

"Don't be here?" Xing Ye lowered his head slightly, bit her earlobe lightly, and laughed softly: "Then change the place and you can mess around, right, Aqin?"

Qinglian's breathing was slightly stagnant: "You..." Then, Xing Ye hugged him in his arms and left by the wind.

When the sky is full and the moon is full, there is strong love in the world.

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