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Outside the Demon Realm, a natural barrier is formed.

The river passes through the two mountain peaks, and the water is not turbulent. The water surface is shining with sunlight, and there are still petals and leaves floating on it, making it extremely peaceful and beautiful.

At this moment, the water surface changed slightly, and the space at that moment seemed to split suddenly, and then a black phoenix flew out from the direction of the Demon Realm.

On Fenghuang's back, there was a beautiful and strange-looking monk at the Peak of Transforming God.

The person waiting here long ago appeared silently, kneeled in front of that person, and respectfully said: "I have seen the devil."

"Shadow Demon..." The Demon Lord stretched out his hand, and an extremely gorgeous carriage appeared in an instant. Sitting in the carriage with his cheek resting on his palm, he looked out the window lazily, "You have a good relationship with the Demon  ?"

Upon hearing this, the Shadow Demon made a cold sweat and knelt down in front of him: "Subordinates dare not."

The Demon Sovereign could not help feeling a bit amused at the attitude of the Shadow Demon Envoy: "I mean the previous Demon Envoy, Chen Ruxin."

Only then did the Shadow Demon Envoy reacted and replied: "Her mother asked me to take care of it."

"Well..." The Demon Sovereign groaned, but didn't say anything.

The black phoenix pulled the carriage gradually away.

When Phoenix Carriage was a child, a man and a woman appeared in the sky above the Demon Realm, and neither of them could see the cultivation base nor the imperial possessions.

The man in white wrapped around the waist of the woman in the green shirt and asked, "Why is Ah Qin here?"

"The Demon Realm needs to reinforce this enchantment before it can keep this world peaceful for thousands of years." When the words fell, Qing Lian raised her hand and drew a talisman seal in the void, and then the golden talisman seal became larger, and finally it looked like a piece of talisman.  The golden net covered the entire demon realm.

When the golden light disappeared, the natural barrier became stronger.

The son of luck in this world is dead, and the most influential thing is this Demon Realm. She will not just watch the creatures in this realm become demons due to the Demon Realm.

The sage does not touch on cause and effect. Even if Qinglian does nothing, it will not have any effect on his body.

But because of Xing Ye's existence, she is not only a saint on the road thirty-three days away, she was also an ordinary creature.

How Xing Ye did not understand this, her Ah Qin will always be Ah Qin, and has never left him, whether it is the reincarnation world or thirty-three days away, she has always been by his side.

At that moment, Xing Ye's heart moved slightly: "Aqin..."

Facing his affectionate eyes, Qinglian raised her hand to caress the furry fox ears between his hair, and smiled slightly: "Hide your ears, do you want others to know your identity?"

Xing Ye grabbed her wrist and smiled: "I don't care."

"I will be very embarrassed..." Qinglian smiled, "Could it be that you want me to lead you to avoid those Taoist monks?"

Who knows, Xing Ye was very interested and took her into his arms, "A good suggestion."

Qinglian helpless: "Don't mess around."

As the two talked, a gust of wind passed along the river, raising colorful drops on both sides of the strait.

The petals fell on the water, forming a beautiful brocade.

Such a scene seems to have crossed time and space, and returned to the beginning...

Xing Ye looked at the brocade on the water, slightly in a daze.

The anxiety and mania that had been hidden deep in my heart gradually dissipated, and the state of stagnation was also loosened a little at this time.

In a short while, there was auspicious clouds in the sky descending golden light, and the aura here became more and more intense.

Xing, who had returned to God, suddenly understood why she led her to the world of reincarnation, and her heart became softer. How could this person teach him not to love?

"Aqin, I am lucky to have you in this life."

Seeing that his mind became more peaceful, Qing Lian also felt happy about it:

"So, we should go back."

The water of the river flows slowly, with a warm fragrance.

Thirty-three days away, the Mayfly Palace.

Qinglian and Xing had just returned, and Si Jiu, who was sitting on the trunk of the west courtyard, said to Roots and Taixi who were still playing against each other: "How long do you want to play this game of chess?"

Roots took a sip of his tea, glanced at him lightly, and said, "You are too impetuous."

Hearing this, Si Jiu raised his chin slightly and squinted at him: "I think you are Meng Sao!"

Tai Xi couldn't help but laugh out with "pouch~", and Yeyan's face was more vivid and scented.

Roots' jaws tightened, he endured, and looked at Sijiu: "What's the matter with you?"

Si Jiu chuckled, ran to the chessboard, and asked the two with a gossiping look: "You said...When will we three become uncles?"

For the first time, Roots's face changed slightly.

The smile on Tai Xi's face froze.

The two looked at Si Jiu together, and said in unison: "What did you say?!"

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