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The kiss ended.

"..." Xing also softened his eyes and fixedly looked at the person in his arms.

The docile appearance made him irresistible, and Xing also grabbed her and headed towards the quiet room.

In a short while, Qinglian was taken to the quiet room by him, her dress was blown by the wind, her wide sleeves fell down, and when she sat down, the white gauze was spread all over the floor, dazzling and ethereal.

Next to her is the futon used for meditation on weekdays.

"Aqin." Xing Ye looked down at her with solemn eyes.

Hearing his voice ringing in her ears, Qing Lian raised her head slightly and looked at him aloft.  The gentle eyes reflected his appearance, as if there was only room for him in those eyes...

It is not an illusion, nor is it a dream.

     It is true.

This person finally truly belongs to him completely.

An unspeakable sense of satisfaction surged in Xing Ye's heart. After waiting for so long and looking forward to it for so long, they finally merged into one and gave each other back to each other.

"I'm so happy, A Qin." Xing Ye held Qinglian, curling his eyebrows and pursing his lips.

He once described the appearance of people thousands of times in his heart, but he couldn't describe the appearance he wanted most.

This will see her in his arms, the ice disappeared, and the smile is sweet, and then he understands that this is the person in his heart, who can't be drawn with any brush.

"What are you happy about?" Qinglian raised her eyes lazily, looking into Xing Ye's deep black pupils like a thousand stars, her heart soft.

"I'm happy because you are by my side." Xing Ye put his head on Qinglian's head, counting down, thinking back and forth between them.

Qing Lian chuckled slightly: "We still have a lot of time."

There is no bounds and no boundaries, and the road is long. In this barren time, she and him sometimes spend time together.

Seeing what Qing Lian looked like, Xing couldn't help but bow his head.

Accompanied by the sound of distant bells, there was also a deep sigh.

There is a warm and inexhaustible warmth in the room...

The flowers of the peach trees outside are blooming more and more beautifully, and the flying flower clusters leave the branches and fall on the ground in the courtyard, covered with a layer of pink brocade.

The flowers circled and danced with the wind, as if they were jumping for joy...

In the quiet room.

Qing Lian was lying in Xing Ye's arms, and she looked like a little bear hibernating. She was charming and cute. Xing Ye was excited when she watched.

The black and wide sleeves covered Qing Lian's body, and Xing also raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't dare to look again.

He was afraid that if he watched it again, he would practice unintentionally, and hoped that he would sink into this warmth with Ah Qin, unable to extricate himself.

"Xing Ye."

Hearing her soft call, Xing also hugged her and replied: "I am here."

"Refining the innate energy in your body well." After finishing speaking, Qing Lian closed her eyes again, looking a little tired.

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