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"Congratulations to the host, your mission is completed~"

The voice of the system is reminding Chen Ruxin at this time that the previous world is over and this is a new mission world.

Chen Ruxin slowly opened his eyes when the soul was completely integrated with this body.

This is a very exquisitely decorated room. Beside Chen Ruxin, there are four young beautiful blonde girls sitting.  They wore expensive and luxurious dresses and were about seventeen or eighteen years old. They were supposed to be full of vigor, but at this time their faces were full of fear, helplessness, and numbness.

Chen Ruxin glanced at their attire, then looked down at the blue cheongsam on her body and the valuable jade bracelets on her wrists. It was like a cage for breeding canaries.

Closing his eyes, Chen Ruxin began to merge the memories of this body.

The name of this body is also called "Chen Ruxin". Because of his background, his personality is unsound, irritable, and has no relatives or friends. However, he stood out in a special training and became an official member of an organization.

After that, follow the orders of the organization.


"Host, I will give you information about this world now~"

The voice of the system fell, and the disorderly and messy information came in. Chen Ruxin leaned on the soft and comfortable sofa and began to organize the task information of the world.

Humans and vampires in this world live under the same sky.

In the beginning, human beings and the kinsmen signed a non-aggression treaty to ensure that each can live freely and without worry.  Many human beings have only heard the rumors of vampires from film and television novels, but have not really seen this mysterious race, so human beings have certain doubts and longings for the authenticity of its existence.

The appearance of vampires is similar to that of human beings. Because they cannot live in the sun, the night becomes their best protective color.  They have immortal faces, powerful strength and countless wealth.

They can choose to buy human blood or consume plasma substitutes according to their own wishes and tastes.

Vampires and human beings live in the same world peacefully, without disturbing or infringing upon each other.

I thought it would continue to be so peaceful, but an inexplicable opportunity broke this seemingly stable relationship.

On that day, Chester Klein, a pure-blooded nobleman who had slept for thousands of years, woke up. He didn't even see the treaty between humans and vampires. He directly sucked human blood and even raised blood servants openly.

And no one among the vampires dared to object to these behaviors.

It was precisely because of his behavior that he began to gradually affect the entire ethnic group.  To suck human blood, this is normal eating behavior for them.  However, the rules that have been maintained for hundreds of years are broken, but it brings fear and death to mankind.

They sell human beings, choose the fresh blood they like, and even sell their favorite appearances in the underground auction.

The original owner and the girls are the "commodities" that were auctioned this time.

However, the identity of the original owner is not simple.

It took a lot of effort to mix in this batch of "commodities."

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