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Seeing that she was silent, Alfonso was very patient, and the hand wandering on her back gradually moved down, lowering his head and asking: "Tell me, Aqin."

Chen Ruxin: "..."

Seeing that the hand slipped toward the tail vertebra, Chen Ruxin's body unconsciously tightened, and her hand was against his chest, but for some reason, she could not push him away.  Chen Ruxin raised her head slightly and looked into his eyes, her chest rising and falling slightly: "...Alfonso, don't do that."

Similar to a weak tone, docilely like a lamb to be slaughtered.

At that moment, Alfonso only felt his heart palpitations, and he was even more reluctant to let her go.

His hand stopped at her tail vertebrae, and he rubbed it lightly, with an indescribable temptation and devilishness. Chen Ruxin couldn't help but curl up slightly, his body seemed to be stimulated by some kind of involuntary self.  Her chest rose and fell slightly, as if trying to suppress the silent throbbing and thirst.

Alfonso's face, who noticed the slight changes in her body, remained silent, and his eyes fell on her pale pink lips.

The shape of her lips is very beautiful, and her lips are very obvious, especially when her lips are slightly opened when she breathes at this time, and the arc between the lips is very attractive.  Alfonso respected the desire in his heart, lowered his head slightly and covered her lips.

At first he just rubbed her lips tentatively, and then put his tongue into her mouth.  Chen Ruxin was pinched on the back of his neck, unable to resist or resist, his eyes became moist, and his lips opened slightly, letting him pick it.

Alfonso liked her gentleness. He gently licked the inner wall of her mouth, rolled her tongue and sucked. Hearing the shallow moans that overflowed her lips from time to time, Alfonso's eyes were covered with a dark color, his hands  Stroking the back of her neck, holding her soft waist with the other hand, bringing her body closer to her.

Chen Ruxin was weak and his eyes were half open, and he could only cling to him.  The cold scales on his body did not make Chen Ruxin feel uncomfortable, but instead eased her heat and discomfort at this time.

The posture and atmosphere are a bit bad, and Chen Ruxin doesn't know what to do.  Her eyelashes trembled lightly, and the tip of her tongue was held by him. A tingling sensation made her scream, and the resisting hand became clinging to his shoulder, as if he let him do whatever he wanted.

Perceiving her actions, Alfonso's heart trembled slightly, and his movements instantly became intense.  Chen Ruxin couldn't resist, and could only passively accept his kiss, her body began to emit fine beads of sweat, and her fair skin was stained with an ambiguous pink.

This time, no matter how dull people are, they should notice something wrong, let alone Chen Ruxin.

"...Alfonso, first, let me go." Chen Ruxin resisted the restless feeling. Although he did not break away from him, the whole person seemed very wrong.

Alfonso really let go of her, and then lowered his head to lick the wet moist from the corner of her mouth, and stroked the back of her neck with one hand, "What's the matter?" His voice was still dumb with a hint of unexplained: "Is it uncomfortable?"

There was a layer of water in the corner of Chen Ruxin's eyes, panting slightly, and said: "No, it seems that something is wrong with me."

"What's wrong?" Alfonso played with the hair that fell on her chest and looked at her with deep eyes.

Chen Ruxin couldn't say anything, it seemed that his body was a little out of control, especially when he was touched by him, the feeling was too strange... This made Chen Ruxin's brain, who has never been affected by lust, also chaotic.

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