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Are Star, Federal Forces Research Institute.

An unconscious woman was placed in a special sleeping cabin with a helmet on her head, and the other end of the helmet was connected to the central brain.

Holographic images of several federal authorities also appeared in this research institute.

     "How is the result?"

"Data is being extracted..."

The voices of young women are sweet and soft, but they are the artificial harmony voice of the central system, and they soon say again: "The data extraction is complete."

Following this, a series of data and complex structure diagrams appeared on the light curtain.

That's exactly what happened. Those data caused those in power to breathe in an instant. One of them looked at the incomplete totem in the composition and asked, "What's the bottom?"

As soon as his words fell, the others also noticed the inconspicuous incomplete totem.

The sweet and soft voice of the central intellectual brain sounded again: "It is temporarily impossible to analyze. It is consistent with the complete totem on the target's right wrist. Is it scanned?"


Then, the silver pattern wrapped around the woman's wrist appeared on the light curtain.

When Nigel, dressed in the federal black uniform, saw the print, his eyes flickered, he looked at the holographic image closest to him, and said in a low voice: "I have seen this totem in the Prague library.  It's a contract mark..." The words stopped suddenly, as if thinking something, a strange and weird smile filled his eyes, "Genesis also has it on his wrist. It's not a subordinate contract, but an equal contract... It seems very interesting.  It may be the symbiosis contract that belongs to the Hull couples recorded in ancient books."

Nigel's words are like a stone that shook a thousand waves.

However, it was also at this time that the Central Intelligence Brain issued a defensive alarm——

"Alert! Alert! Attacked by an SSSS-level unknown creature!"

"What's going on?" The entire sturdy building actually began to falter, and the holographic images of the few in power were not affected at all.

"It seems that he is here." An old voice sounded, and then looked at the head of the institute, "Activating the highest defense system, the institute can't make any mistakes."

"Yes, Marshal Situ."

After all, the whole institute seemed to have upgraded the system immediately, and the shaky feeling was not so obvious.

"The contractors can interact with each other and stimulate her head, so as to contain the Genesis outside, perhaps there is still a fight." Nigel lowered his head slightly to Marshal Situ who had just spoken out, "Genesis is not in the legend.  So evil, just stronger than ordinary aliens, and exaggerating the opponent's strength because of the unknown, will we be restrained."

"I know you want to avenge your mother, but don't bring your personal feelings to public affairs." Situ Honglu once again warned the younger generation.

Nigel lowered his head slightly, concealing the ruthlessness in his eyes: "What you said is."

Several other people in power fell into deep thought, but listened to Nigel's words.

Afterwards, Yu Xiangyang said: "We have no chance to look back. Whether Genesis is as powerful as the legend, let the central brain know if it is as powerful as the legend. In addition, according to what he just said, use Chen Ruxin to contain Genesis." Then  , Looked at several colleagues, "What do you think?"

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now