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Finally, at a corner, she stopped.

Here is a blind spot with star eyes everywhere.  Chen Ruxin turned around and saw three Zergs with tentacles on their foreheads coming into sight.

"I was found." One of the males wearing purple and gold clothes laughed, with a soft tone that made people get goose bumps for no reason.

A Zerg male with slender and malicious eyes, with butterfly markings on the other face, asked, "What should I do?"

"Catch it back." Another look looked at the dull and boring Zerg to make a decision, "Or kill it and save trouble."

The three Zerg tribes are discussing here, as if taking Chen Ruxin on the side as meat on the chopping board and letting them kill.

However, Chen Ruxin didn't say a word at all, but silently pulled out a laser dagger from the outside of his thigh and watched their performance blankly.

The dagger is for military use. It was originally carried by the original owner. Chen Ruxin took it with him all the time when he saw it was convenient.

Right now, it just happens to be useful.

Chen Ruxin held a dagger and directly took the nearby Zerg with butterfly markings on his face. The action was clean and neat, and he took the deadly place of the opponent.  The Zerg seemed to be shocked by Chen Ruxin's skill and courage, but he quickly reacted and avoided Chen Ruxin's attack.

This was a false move. What Chen Ruxin really wanted to kill was the seemingly dull Zerg. These three Zergs were obviously centered on him.  Catch the thief first, catch the king, Chen Ruxin knows this.

However, these three zergs are obviously not small characters. Seeing Chen Ruxin's actions, he can see a little way.

"Are you from the military?" The dull Zerg opened the optical brain on his wrist, and immediately displayed a three-dimensional image of a human next to it.

He has long hair and waist, and he is wearing a straight military uniform. The golden epaulettes on his shoulders show the rank of second lieutenant.

Chen Ruxin's gaze fell on that face, and that bright and dazzling face Chen Ruxin was very familiar with, because there was no expression on the face, his eyes were very cold, and the look was very cold, but it made people not look away for a while.

This is exactly the face of the original owner.

It is also the face of the two worlds in front of Chen Ruxin. The Shen Yun is somewhat different, but the outline of the five senses has not changed at all.

It's just that now is not the time to pay attention to this face.

Immediately, Chen Ruxin did not hesitate, and had to eliminate the three Zerg races before being discovered by Star Eye.

This time, Chen Ruxin did not deliberately conceal the fact that his skills came from the Federal Army. There were no extra fancy moves, and the movements were not muddy. The dagger directly pierced one of the Zerg’s eyeballs and pierced his brain!

In an instant, when he took out the dagger, blue-white mucus splashed on Chen Ru's heart.  Without paying too much attention to the liquid on his body, Chen Ru's heart was stunned, and his body was slightly tilted, avoiding a few thin and soft tubes-the tentacles of that dull zerg, which looked harmless, but could pierce them directly.  Human bones kill people instantly.

Chen Ruxin didn't care, she must kill them here.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Ruxin's movements became more fierce, and the dagger was extremely dexterous in her hands, and it could cut through the seemingly thick skin of the Zerg at will.

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