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Chapter 41

[...] Chen Ru xin was weakly leaning on him. At this time, her clothes were disheveled, and Chen Lingshao gave her no room for rejection.

However, Chen Ru xin remained unmoved. It was not that she was unwilling, but that she was no longer a human being.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible.

She struggled and shook her head, no way.

Desire burned his reason, but Chen Lingshao didn't really force her, but was controlled by desire. His body became particularly uncomfortable, and the pain in his lower body gave him a look of pain on his face.  There was a low moan in his throat, and the messy breath appealed to the body's unbearable desire.

Chen Lingshao forcibly endured, then let go of her hands, and no longer use her abilities to influence her, try to make her voice sound calmer, "Hold my arms around my neck."

Chen Ruxin did what he said.

Putting on her clothes again for her, Chen Lingshao's forehead had already appeared with fine beads of sweat, which shows that he is a little bit difficult at this time.  For a man who had never been tortured by desire before, Chen Lingshao felt a bit unbearable pain, and she had to be alone for a while to calm down, otherwise she couldn't help it...

He took a deep breath, hugged her, "Those people have already left, I'll be back in a while, don't go away." After saying this, he kissed her lips gently, then let go, turned and left.

But as soon as he took a step, Chen Ruxin pulled his sleeves.  Chen Lingshao looked back at her, seeming a little puzzled, but saw Chen Ruxin directly grabbed his arm and pulled him to the corner with a strong force—

Pushing Chen Lingshao against the wall, Chen Ruxin looked at him, and then wrote in the palm of his hand: [I will help you.  】

Chen Lingshao's face was slightly startled, but when she saw that she was already squatting down, with her movements, Chen Lingshao's face couldn't help being surprised: "...you!"

The cold and slippery touch made him stare, and he subconsciously pushed her away, but she easily raised her hand to block it——

"Ru xin...Stop it..." It was clear that he should be pushed away rationally, but his body was eager for more touch. This contradiction made him feel a sense of struggle and guilt.

Chen Ruxin did it for the first time. The action was very strange, but he was careful not to hurt him.

"Ha... let go, Ru xin..."

Such a strong stimulus made Chen Lingshao, who was treated like this for the first time, not persisted for too long. Afterwards, he leaned against the wall, tilted his head slightly, and did not recover. The corners of his eyes were reddish and moist.  Floating up with a faint blush, panting...

On the contrary, Chen Ruxin stood up calmly, helped him simply tidy up his appearance, and rationalized the mess for him, and waited for him to recover.  Chen Ruxin looked at him quietly. In the dim light, the handsome facial features had a fragile beauty at this time, which made people want to take the initiative to protect this person.

However, Chen Ruxin knows exactly how tough this person is. This skin is just a disguise for him. Who can despise him because of his cruelty and dominance?

What's more, this is the end of the world.

In just a moment, Chen Lingshao calmed down completely, and withdrew from the charming atmosphere just now. Thinking of what she had done for himself just now, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed and some satisfaction.  He stretched out his hand and pulled Chen Ruxin, who was standing in front of him, into his arms, resting his head on her shoulders, and his voice trembled slightly: "In the future, don't do such a thing..."

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