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Chen Ruxin's hand was on her waist, and her weak body was leaning against him.

Chester stopped and continued to eat. The cool tip of his tongue licked the side of her neck, gently licking away the remaining blood, and then left her neck to see her pale lips.

The cold fingertips stroked her slightly opened lips, and Chen Ruxin, who was sitting in the chair, blinked slightly and looked up at him.

Chester's ruined half of his face was hidden in the shadows, and it looked a bit hideous, and those scarlet eyes reflected her appearance.  Not knowing how to recover from the injury on his face, thinking about this, Chen Ruxin closed his lips but also held his fingertips.

At that moment, Chester seemed to be touched by something, and stayed in place, but his fingertips did not pull away from her lips.

"You are very warm." He said suddenly.

That's because you don't have the temperature on your body.

Chen Ruxin felt that her heartbeat had become a little faster, and her breathing was a little quicker, some of which resembled symptoms of hypoglycemia.

It seems that something is wrong with her, and there are fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and she can't help but frown, "What's the matter with you?"

"...I want to take a break." Chen Ruxin's eyes closed, and his voice sounded weak.  Immediately, her body was lifted sideways by a pair of powerful arms, and then she lay on the soft bed.

Chen Ruxin tried her best to open her eyes, looked at Chester who was holding herself up, and said quietly, "Don't leave..."

After finishing talking, I really fell asleep.

Chester looked at the way she had fallen asleep, his palms on her forehead, a layer of dampness.

Humans only do this when they are sick...

At that moment, Chester's brows frowned, not knowing what he was thinking of, and he couldn't help but look at the window.

When the night came quietly, Chester disappeared in place.

Just when he left, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Ruxin, who was not sleeping peacefully, opened his eyes in a daze, and subconsciously began to look for the little bat.

"...Chester?" The hoarse voice was a bit weaker, but much better than before.

"Aqin, are you there?"

The voice outside the door is Miria...

Chen Ruxin struggled to get up, opened the curtains a little bit, and then sorted out the clothes on his body, and then went to open the door.

Opening the door, I saw Milia who was energetic.

She held a thick scripture in her hand, "What's wrong with you? Her face looks bad..."

"... Maybe, I didn't eat." Chen Ruxin replied, and did not mean to invite her in.

Miria looked at her weak and thought that she should have come to church for the first time, so fasting was not too accustomed, so she took out a green fruit from her pocket.

"This is for you. Although you can't eat during fasting, this fruit is okay."

Glancing at Miria with kindness, Chen Ruxin took the cyan fruit, which looked like a Nai Li.  She thanked softly, "Thank you, Miria."

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