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Hearing a loud "bang" sound, the sky-opening giant axe slashed toward the chaos in a mysterious trajectory. The trajectory is mysterious and mysterious, and great principles and principles evolve in the dark.

The mayfly can't move for a while, and can only watch the terrible coercion and the power of rules come towards him, as if he will die in the next instant.

"Friends in the hour, after my body." Tian Xing sacrificed his companion Chaos Spirit Treasure, which is a sword, a sword with the power of the rule of destruction.

That was also the first time the mayfly saw the companion spirit treasure of Heavenly Punishment, and it was also the last time.

"The Demon God of Power, the Taoist Pangu." There was a crack in the barrier of Heavenly Punishment. He looked in one direction and said, "The same three thousand demon gods are so cruel."

The tone of Tian Xing is very plain, and it seems to be just stating this fact.

When Pangu was holding the Sky Axe and cutting down the first trajectory, half of the Chaos Demon God died, and the remaining Demon Gods were not angry, and they felt intimidated by their own ending.

Immediately, countless demon gods moved in the direction of Pangu.

However, Pangu was the strongest demon god chosen by Dadao. Those demon gods who wanted to attack all died under the giant axe in Pangu's hands, and half of the soul was never left behind.

If the mayfly feels something in his heart, it is imperative to open up the sky.

So, what about Pangu, the strongest of the three thousand demon gods with them?

The mayfly sacrificed its companion chaotic spirit treasure time wheel to resist the force of the rules of the sky axe.

Three thousand and seven hundred years later.

Pangu still hasn't stopped, and the open axe carries the law of endless power, and the turbid air that was originally directed at the chaos has gradually dissipated.

The blade of the Destruction Sword in Tianxing's hand was cracked, and the mayfly's wheel of time also turned into fragments in an instant.

At that moment, Tian Xing blocked the evil spirit of Kai Tian Axe for her.

"Friends of Shichen, I met eleven Yuanhui, and my heart is happy." When the words fell, the sword of destruction in Tianxing's hand was completely broken, and then, he turned and pressed the immovable mayfly under his body, his voice still indifferent as water."  If Fellow Daoist Shichen survives this catastrophe, Wanger will understand the principles of the Great Dao as soon as possible, so there is no need to..."

When the words of Heavenly Punishment are finished, the body is split into nothingness at the last moment of opening the Heavenly Axe, and the soul is collapsed.

Since being born in Chaos, Mayfly felt sad and reluctant for the first time.

Companionship and Chaos are the time of a meeting. She has long been accustomed to each other. The feeling is not what it is, but she doesn't want Heaven's Punishment to disappear completely in this chaos.

Something cold overflowed from her eyes. She felt a little pain on the tip of her heart. She didn't hesitate to pinch the tactics in her hands. The speed of her pinching tactics was very slow, but it was the most mysterious time rule.

The mayfly body is fragile and cannot withstand the blow of any demon god, but it has already penetrated the law of time.

She stood up, and the primordial spirit who was scattered everywhere was left behind by a mysterious and mysterious power.

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