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"What's the matter?" Chester loosened her waist and smiled: "Look at me like this."

Chen Ruxin retracted his gaze and shook his head: "Nothing."

This person, she will not admit her mistake.

It's just this unspeakable sense of violation and why?  Chen Ru couldn't think of the answer in his heart.

Chester seems to have seen the original owner, but he has not found any memory fragments about him, even if it is a sporadic picture that flashed through, after integrating the memory of the original owner.

So, it should be the first time I saw you.

But why...

"Are you hungry?" Chester interrupted her thoughts, "I'll take you to eat something."

Chen Ruxin calmed down the doubts in his heart and nodded: "Okay."

When I arrived at the restaurant, the table top was full of hot food just served.

The butler is still standing aside, the one I saw outside the auction house last night.

Chen Ruxin retracted his gaze.

Chester pulled the chair away for her, waited for her to sit down, and then sat down next to her.

Chen Ruxin took a sip of the juice, and the Chester gesture gracefully smeared jam on the slices of bread, and then handed it to her.

With this act of being fed, Chen Ruxin naturally took the bread in his hand and started eating.

Seeing that she was full, Chester stopped what she was doing.

But the butler standing behind can't hide the surprise in my heart. It's incredible that his master personally served this human meal.

No matter how surprised, Mr. Butler did not show his face, he was very competent.

After breakfast, the sun started to become hot.

Standing on the corridor, through the window, Chen Ruxin saw the snowy scenery outside. The snow that fell last night bent the green branches, and there were birds on it, and the accumulated snow began to fall down, making a rustling sound.  .

"Want to go out?"

Behind him, Chester's gentle voice came.

Chen Ruxin turned around and looked at him: "Can I go out?"

"Of course." Chester had a slightly surprised expression on his face, and the smile in his eyes became more gentle, "I'm by your side, no one can hurt you."

Chen Ruxin thought that even if he was not reduced to a blood servant, he would still be restricted from leaving the castle.

"The sun outside is very big," she said.

At this time, the butler emerged from nowhere, holding a black umbrella in his hand, and handing it respectfully to Chester.

Chester took it, and said to Chen Ru, "Let's go."

She did not give her the opportunity to refuse.  Unconsciously, Chen Ruxin nodded.

"Hold my hand."

Looking at the pale and slender hand in front of him, Chen Ruxin put his hand in his warm palm.

Leaving the castle, Chester held an umbrella in one hand and held her with the other.

At this time, Chen Ruxin understood why he had to hold himself.

The snow is so thick that it has submerged in her calf. It is very inconvenient to walk. If you are not careful, you may fall.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now