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Chester hugged her tightly in his arms, with his chin resting on her warm neck, feeling the real and familiar body temperature and fragrance of her body, and she felt like weeping with joy.

His voice was hoarse, as if he was suppressing something, "You are back, your heart."

"Let you wait a long time." Chen Ruxin slowly raised his hand and stroked his arm.

At this moment, Mr. Butler and Milo stepped back in due course, leaving space for the two of them.

Outside the window, snow has already floated unknowingly, and the water has condensed on the glass window, forming an unusually beautiful ice flower.

Chester was afraid that he would freeze her, so he quickly let go of Chen Ruxin, "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Chen Ruxin looked at him and shook his head gently.

Looking at Chen Ruxin sitting in a wheelchair, Chester half kneeled in front of her, stroking her legs, "Your legs..."

Chen Ruxin didn't know how to explain what she was like now. She was enduring the intense pain all the time. It was a kind of pain that couldn't be described in words, as if the soul was about to collapse in the next second.

Chen Ruxin covered the back of his hand and said softly: "It's just that I can't leave for the time being."

In this case, how would Chester believe him? He fixedly looked at her: "Your heart, will you stay by my side all the time?"

Facing his azure double model, Chen Ruxin raised his hand and gently touched the corner of his eye: "I am very willing to..."

But... Chester, did you perceive something the reason you want such a promise?

"I also promised you to be your bride." Chen Ru's hands trembled slightly, she suddenly retracted her hand as if inadvertently, and then continued: "That day, I left at the wedding, and I didn't have time to say sorry to you."

Chester held her hand and said softly: "It doesn't matter, we will continue the wedding another day."

"Good." Chen Ruxin answered.

"Are you tired?" Seeing her tired face, Chester couldn't help but said, "Go back to the house and rest."

Chen Ruxin nodded slightly, "Okay."

Chester leaned over and picked her upstairs. When she arrived in the bedroom, Chen Ruxin had lost consciousness.

Looking at her closing her eyes and frowning her brows slightly, Chester's mind flashed through the scene when his hand pierced her chest a thousand years ago.  The picture once buried deep in his memory became so clear at this time.

Gently put her on the bed, Chester took off her coat and took off her shoes.

At this time, the indoor temperature has also become much higher.

After covering her with a quilt, Chester sat by her bed for a long time, looking at her sleeping face, something seemed to be dormant in the depths of his eyes.

The snow outside is still falling.

Until the evening.

When Chen Ru's consciousness recovered a little bit, the snow outside had stopped.

She opened her eyes and met Chester's scarlet eyes. It took a while before she realized, "Chester?"

"I'm here." Chester helped her get up, took a thick and furry cloak and put it on her, "It's cold outside."

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now