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On the way back, Bella was silent, and Chen Ruxin took her hand and walked not far, and saw a person coming on horseback.

"We looked for you all night, Aqin, are you okay." It was Edwin who came here. He got off the horse and looked at Bella, who was still wearing tears on his face. "What happened?"

Chen Ruxin glanced at him, not knowing why, Edwin felt a little bit cold, he was obviously the same as usual.

Edwin broke the weird atmosphere and said: "Last night there was a vampire attacking people in the town. That vampire was the one I had been hunting down, but he was dead when I arrived, and only one elder was found.  Nameplate..."

"It turned out to be him." Chen Ruxin said lightly, "Why did he attack the people in the town?"

"The news I got was that he was looking for a member of the same family. The specifics were not clear." At this time, Edwin saw a cloud of blood on her back, which was no longer obvious, and hurriedly asked: "Are you injured?"

"This way..." Chen Ruxin's eyes dropped slightly, thoughtfully.

Bella on the side clenched her little hand and said nothing.

Chen Ruxin looked down at her, then took Bella and looked at the carriage coming here.  Opened the door of the carriage, carried Bella up, and then got into the carriage.

Edwin looked at her away from behind. The traces on the scene were not intense, which means that she did not take too much effort to kill the vampire elder.  It seems that the Pope will be satisfied if he goes back this time.

When returning to the church, Muriel saw Chen Ruxin walking out with a child, and was a little surprised: "What is this child?"

"Bella, follow me to take care of you from now on." Chen Ru said in his heart: "I hope it won't cause any inconvenience to you."

"That's not true." Muriel walked to Bella, bent down, reached out to touch her hair, but was avoided. Muriel paused and smiled: "Child, stay here at ease.  ."

Bella's gray-blue pupils reflected Muriel's appearance, and Muriel's face was slightly awkward. I don't know why, the child's eyes are too bright, and it makes people feel unhappy at the bottom of their heart for no reason.

But people may be brought by Ah Qin, who may become the Holy See's saint, so she must accept it.

Seeing that Chen Ruxin seemed to be injured, Mulier turned to say, "How did your injury come from?"

"It's just scratching the skin, it's okay." Chen Ruxin glanced at Bella, and then said to Muriel: "It's annoying that Sister Muriel takes her to change to a clean dress first."

Muriel responded: "Okay, leave it to me."

After Bella was taken away, Chen Ruxin returned to her house.  She took off her robe and looked at the wound on her waist that had turned flesh and flesh. It was scratched by the vampire's claws. The blood stains had dried up, but the wound looked a bit hideous.

Chen Ruxin took out gauze and some simple handling tools from the cabinet.

There is no alcohol in this world, so he replaced it with spirits. Even Chen Ruxin's face turned pale when the wine touched the wound. She took a sigh of relief, quickly cleaned the wound, and then used gauze to clean the wound.  The wound is bandaged.

After finishing this, Chen Ru's heart has sweated a lot.  She wiped off the cold sweat from her forehead, put on a clean white robe, and re-braided her hair.

After standing in front of the mirror and seeing nothing unusual, Chen Ruxin opened the door.

The town after the rain looks peaceful and beautiful, as if everything last night was just a dream.

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