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Chen Ruxin raised his hand to caress his ruined half of his face, and her cold voice overflowed lightly: "I am yours."

In the dark night, there was a sudden burst of permeating low laughter.

Chen Ruxin didn't pay attention to his reaction. He touched the silver spike that pierced his shoulder blade. There was a weak force in his hand fluctuating, and then he quickly pulled out the silver spike.

At the moment it was pulled out, the splashed blood fell on Chen Ruxin's white wedding dress, and his cheeks were also stained a little.

He looked at the human woman in front of him with dark eyes. The moment the silver spikes were pulled out, the suppressed strength of the body recovered a little.

When Chen Ruxin was about to look at the wound on his body, her body was suddenly hit hard, and her back instantly slammed into a raised stone, and she let out a forbearing groan.

Perhaps he was surprised that he would attack him. Chen Ruxin looked at him calmly for a while, and then reached out to touch the part where he was hit.

The sting, probably hitting a bone, Chen Ruxin took a breath, but still explained to him: "I have no malice."

What has happened to him in the past to become like this, and what caused the injury on his face?  These questions hovered in Chen Ru's mind and were puzzled.

The vampire in front of him is Chester.

Thinking back to this mission world, his attitude and manner towards him were everywhere with an indescribable sense of disobedience, but now Chen Ruxin somewhat understood why.

The first time Chester saw herself was not when she first came to this world, but rather than knowing how many years passed before that, Chester had seen herself.

The smell of blood is getting closer and closer, and there is a figure standing in front of Chen Ruxin, raising his head, it is Chester.

In the moonlight, his eyes were scarlet, and his vampire fangs appeared.

Chen Ru's heart suddenly felt light, and he was caught in his hands.

     "Who are you?"

Chen Ruxin looked at his face that didn't know what was ruined, and even the powerful self-healing ability of the vampire could not heal him...Faced with his problem, Chen Ru thought for a while, watching him replied, "Chen Ruxin."

It is very abrupt for a human being to appear in such a desolate place, but the woman in front of her is very strange and weird.  And, the power she used when she just pulled out the nail on his body was exactly what the church blood hunter used.

Although weak, but very pure, Chester looked at this woman coldly, and was already murderous.

Chen Ruxin also noticed the killing intent, but she couldn't move at all at this time, so she could only speak slightly: "I didn't lie."

"Are you in a group with those in the church?"

"No." Chen Ruxin shook his head.

Upon hearing this, Chester looked at her and sneered: "Really?"

Before Chen Ruxin could react, she was pushed down, and then there was a tingling sensation of being bitten in her neck, and then the blood quickly moved away from the body... Such a speed made Chen Ruxin's body very uncomfortable.  The momentum of sucking her blood...

She can't die now!

This thought was very clear in his mind. Chen Ruxin stretched out his hand to push him, but at the moment he pushed, she hugged him, and then stroked his back, as if to comfort him.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now