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Chen Ruxin also looked at him, did he think of something?

However, his hand stayed on Chen Ruxin's left chest, and said in doubt: "...Sure enough, there is no breathing or heartbeat."

Chen Ruxin: "..."

With a sigh in his heart, Chen Ru stood up and also helped him up.

The two were kneeling and sitting on the grass.

"I am a corpse repair." Chen Ruxin explained to him: "Nature is different from human repair, or different from a living person. There is no heartbeat or breathing."

"...Master, died?"

Chen Ruxin met his somewhat ignorant and sad eyes, thought for a while, and said, "No."

The autumn wind is bleak, the yellow fallen leaves swirling in mid-air and fall beside the two of them, and a torn yellow leaf falls on Chen Ruxin's shoulders.

Wen Danrong leaned slightly and removed the dead leaf for her.

"Will the master stay with me all the time?" After that, Wen Danrong lowered her head seemingly anxiously, her white fingers pinched the stem of the dead leaf and turned around, "I don't want to be alone, they are all  Bully me and call me a fool. I just can’t remember anything, but I know I’m looking for someone, although I don’t even know who that person is... I don’t know if I can wait for that person, but that person  It must be important to me..."

That person is right in front of you.

Chen Ru looked at him with gentle eyes, stroked the top of his hair, and said softly: "You are not stupid, and I will not leave you."

I'm really not stupid, even if I don't remember anything, I still came to the Sky Demon Sect...Can I be stupid?

It's just that Chen Ruxin still can't figure out why he suddenly lost his memory and cultivation.

Without any self-protection ability, any monk who has just learned to draw the breath into the body can bully him at will.

In the dark, Chen Ruxin suddenly saw a pair of invisible hands pushing all this.

Moreover, it cannot be reversed.

Xuan Guangzong, Qian Yuanfeng.

A woman in a purple shirt with a gorgeous face was half lying in front of the man, her eyebrows and her eyebrows were all gentle and charming, and people couldn't help but want to love her.

The woman looked at him with glamorous eyes and lingeringly called: "Venerable."

Meng Tianhao played with her body, thoughtfully in his eyes, and replied casually: "Huh?"

The woman breathes slightly, and her soft voice is sultry: "Let the crescent moon serve you?"

Looking at the woman kneeling in front of him, it is clear that this face is still so beautiful that I can't move my eyes, but it is more tender and coquettish than before, and it always seems to feel that something is missing.

He lowered his eyebrows, and withdrew his hands: "How did you practice "Heaven's Desire Jue"?"

"Never let the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect see anything." The woman winked her eyes slightly, and said confidently, "Sir, please rest assured."

Meng Tianhao raised the corners of his mouth: "Don't let me down."

"The Lord's grace for saving lives, the crescent moon does not dare to forget."

Meng Tianhao waved his hand: "Go on, in Xuan Guangzong, you are not allowed to leave Qian Yuanfeng. I don't want that face to cause unnecessary trouble to me."

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now