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Countless years in the chaos, the canopy of that huge albizia tree almost covered half of the mayfly palace.

Under the tree, the pink albizia flower slowly fell.

Soon, a soft blanket was spread on the ground.

But at this moment, as usual, there was an extra white dumpling on the top of the wall, and a closer look had one more.

"Brother, let daddy know, we have to be punished again." Bai Tuanzi shook the nine tails behind him nervously, not daring to jump off the wall.

"Shhh, don't be afraid." The white dumpling with half a bright red monster pattern on the eyebrows skillfully transported the method, "Uncle Si Jiu said that there will be no problem this time, and I will catch you later."

The smaller Bai Tuanzi stared at the golden pupils of Shui Lingling and looked at the brother who was breaking the barrier. He clearly wanted to run at his feet, but he couldn't leave his brother behind.

"Brother, what should I do when Dad comes back and finds out after a while?"

"Don't be afraid, sister, brother protect you."

"But when my father was angry and wanted to punish you last time, I was the one who protected my brother."

"Don't care about such small things~" With a slight click, the barrier finally broke open, and the talking white dumpling instantly turned into a five-year-old child, but he could not completely close the fox ears and tail.  stand up.

He jumped down first, and then reached out to his sister who was unable to transform without any magic power on the wall, and said, "Jump down, brother catch you."

Bai Tuanzi tilted her head and looked at her brother, finally raised her front paws, closed her eyes and let her body fall down. The moment she jumped down, she hugged her nine tails in fear and grouped herself into one.  group.

"Ouch~" With a childish whisper, the child who fell on the ground carefully guarded his sister in his arms, then got up from the ground, rubbing his sore tail, and said: "  Sister, I still eat less snacks that Uncle Roots made. You think you are heavier again than last time."

A trace of grievance floated in the golden eyes of the white dumplings that were on his shirt, "It is clear that my brother doesn't eat sweets and stuffs my mouth."

"Huh?" The child moved his ears, and said in a special way: "Ah, it's not that my sister is drooling while looking at the snacks on the plate. Brother, isn't it unbearable? It's all my fault."

"I didn't drool!" Bai Tuanzi was anxious and angry, and then buried his face in his tail after speaking.

"My sister is good, don't be angry." The child rubbed his sister's hairy head with a grin, then gently placed her in a cluster of flowers, and whispered, "Be good, stay here and don't move.  Stolen a bead, my sister can also practice together in the future!"

When the child turned and left, Bai Tuanzi stepped forward and bit the child's sleeve.

"What's the matter?" The child didn't break free, but thought she was scared alone, and touched her head again, "Don't be afraid, sister, if you stay here, the enchantment inside will be backlashed, and I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you.  , Goodbye."

"Brother will get hurt?"

"No, I promise you!"

The nine tails behind Bai Tuanzi hung down. She raised her head to look at the child and said, "Brother, shall we go back?"


"Even if there is no cultivation base, I can't practice like my brother, I will..."

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