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Chapter 22

After figuring this out, Chen Ruxin knew what kind of mistakes he had made.  But right now, she had to find a way to contact Xing Ye.

Thinking about this, Chen Ruxin returned to the bedroom, walked to the dressing table, opened a drawer, and took out a mobile phone that he hadn't used for a long time.  I turned to Xing Ye's number from the address book and dialed it.

"I'm sorry, the user you dialed has been turned off." The female mechanical voice made Chen Ruxin put down the phone, and it seemed that there was nothing to do tonight.  Putting the phone back in that drawer, Chen Ruxin sat for a while before going to rest.

Maybe, when she didn't notice it, something was changing quietly, but it was too subtle and ignored.

"Good night." The system said softly.

Chen Ruxin closed his eyes and said, "Yeah."



For the next three days, Chen Ruxin did not see Xing Ye and did not go out.

As the day of November 27 gets closer and closer, Chen Ruxin becomes more and more calm. Perhaps the opportunity to complete the task lies in the tranquility before the storm.


On this day, Chen Ruxin heard the vibration of the mobile phone during his nap.  She got up and went to the dressing table to get her mobile phone after wearing her shoes. What she saw was an unfamiliar number.

Chen Ruxin thought it was a harassment number and was about to hang up, but accidentally pressed the answer button.

"Ruxin, sorry to disturb you at this time."

Is it Xue Mingxuan?  Chen Ruxin frowned slightly: "Anything?"

"I haven't been able to contact you." Xue Mingxuan's voice sounded a little depressed, "Did he do anything to you?"

"I'm fine." Chen Ru didn't want to say more to him, "If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up first."

"Wait!" Xue Mingxuan took a deep breath, "Ru Xin, I can help you get out of that place. Chu Yue is an extremely dangerous man. We have been monitoring him for a period of time, and we have already grasped some clues. Don't let him.  The surface deceived..."

"Let's not contact us anymore." Chen Ruxin looked at the sky outside the window, which was hidden by dark clouds, and said quietly, "My business has nothing to do with you."

Xue Mingxuan struggled and said, "You heart, don't be willful, I just don't want you to be hurt in any way."

"I said, my business has nothing to do with you."

After a short silence, Xue Mingxuan also calmed down. He suddenly said in an official tone: "Then, I will talk to you as a criminal police officer. Every word you say will be relevant to our case.  Progress plays an important role."

Chen Ruxin's eyes dropped: "Please speak."

"Are you with Chu Yue all day on November 20?"

"..." That day was the day she met Bai Xiaoya, and it was also the day Xing Ye was so angry that he wanted to kill herself. Chen Ruxin said: "In the morning he went to work as usual, and I went to see a friend in the afternoon.  On the way home, he was accidentally hit by a car. Chu Yue hurried back when he heard the news..."

"Then when did he come back?"

"It's dark, I didn't pay attention."

"Have you been with you at night?"

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