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After a long time, Qinglian found her voice, "Qin."

"Aqin." White Fox stood up and walked to her, "You haven't told me yet, have you seen me."

Looking at his light golden eyes, Qing Lian smiled back: "I have seen it."

Of course, I have seen the time that I have been with the Primordial Chaos for countless times, even in the end, you are standing in front of me, blocking me from the evil spirit brought by the god-opening axe, even if the sky is opened up and the last body falls.  I have never regretted it.

It was just for her to understand the principle of the great road as soon as possible, and from then on, she will never die, and will not be affected by cause and effect.  Be with the way of heaven, be with the great way.

However, it was also at that time that she felt that besides pursuing the avenue, she also cared about the existence.

"Although I don't remember you in the memory, I always feel that I have seen it." The white fox Xing also looked at her, and the light golden eyes seemed to flash a little dazed, and there was a trace of nostalgia...

There is also the ringing tone, I always feel...like I have heard it.

However, inheritance memory cannot be missing. He was born after the great god Pangu opened the sky, and was the first nine-tailed white fox in the world.

But why, this person in front of him feels so familiar to him?

I don’t understand the punishment, but I am not too obsessed with it.

It must be destined to be able to meet again.

Punishment can't see through her realm, but only vaguely feels that she is the realm of mixed yuan and golden fairy.

"Are you the master of Qingqiu?"

Qing Lian glanced at the towering sacred tree behind him, and sat down in front of him, "I want to stay here for a while, I wonder if I can?"

Xing also looked at her, sat down, and said, "My heart is happy."

My heart is happy.

These words made Qing Lian slightly startled, and then she looked at him softly and smiled slightly.

This is the case, Qinglian stayed here.

Once again, continue to be with him in this famine.

At this time, the obsession in Qinglian's heart that had been pressing on her finally loosened a little, allowing her to hide her breath and practice under Mount Buzhou until her cultivation reached a level.

Punishment is also the first nine-tailed celestial fox born between heaven and earth. He was born as a demon clan, and he was born with the gods of heaven and luck, and he was born with the companion sacred tree, which can suppress the luck of one party.

It is the master of Qingqiu.

The nine-tailed spirit fox was born and charmed the world with grace and grace.

Although Qinglian's cultivation is a level higher than him, she is still inadvertently affected by her nature.

For example, at this time.

"Xing Ye, you don't want to get too close to me." Qing Lian opened her eyes when she entered the concentration, and put in the light gold pupils, with a faint smile and unpredictable affection.

The face that comes into my eyes is truly beautiful and flawless, even if I do nothing, I can also shake people's minds.

The punishment did not retreat, even getting closer and closer, "A Qin is always too cold and doesn't want to talk to me."

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