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Chapter 18 First Pick (18) Confrontation

The next day, Chen Ruxin went downstairs and saw Xing Yezheng in a formal suit holding a newspaper. When he saw Chen Ruxin coming, he put the newspaper down.

"Good morning, your heart." Xing Ye got up and walked to her, and kissed her lips naturally, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Chen Ruxin nodded: "Morning, Xing Ye."

After the two had breakfast together, Xing was also about to go to the company, and Chen Ruxin pulled his sleeves.

Xing Ye looked back at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Xing Ye, where's my engagement ring?"

Xing Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Throw it away."

"...I want to return it to its original owner."

"Then I will let the butler look for it."

Five minutes later, the butler gave Xing Ye what he was holding. It was a transparent sealed bag. Xing Ye gave it to Chen Ruxin, "return it to him."

"Yeah." Chen Ruxin took it, but after a closer look, it was the engagement ring that day and the jade bracelet that Xue mother gave.

"Are you going to go back to school?" Xing also asked when he went out.

"Well." Chen Ruxin followed him, "Are you on the way?"

Xing Ye had a smile in his pupils and held her hand: "Of course it's on the way."

The driver in front couldn't help but slander, one city south and the other city north, how can they go along the way?

The car stopped at the entrance of Chen Ruxin University. Before getting off the car, Xing also caught her.  Chen Ruxin gently kissed his lips obediently before being let go.

After getting out of the car, Chen Ruxin stood outside the school gate. Although he had only been away for four days, he always felt that a long time had passed.

Back in the dormitory, Chen Ruxin always felt that her dormitory had become unfamiliar, but she didn't care too much, and went to see the senior sister. The senior sister, who usually looks cold and cool, hugged her and didn't speak.  One sentence: "It's all right."

"The tutor's side..."

"The young people will not be involved in the old people's affairs. This is the original words of the instructor." The senior sister interrupted her: "I am on your side."

Chen Ruxin was taken aback: "Thank you, sister."

"Now is not the time to thank me, shouldn't you go to the surname Xue to explain?"

Chen Ruxin nodded: "Well, I have an appointment with him at 9:30."

The elder sister glanced at the watch on her wrist, and looked up at her: "There is still half an hour, let's go."

"Okay." Chen Ruxin replied: "Senior brother is in trouble, senior sister."

I saw the senior sister waved at her: "What are you polite to me?"

Coming out of the senior sister's research room, Chen Ruxin took a taxi to the place he had agreed with Xue Mingxuan in advance.  It was a hotel with better privacy. As soon as Chen Ruxin arrived, Xue Mingxuan came over.

At the moment when he saw Chen Ruxin, Xue Mingxuan glanced at her neck inadvertently, her eyes sharpened suddenly, and he asked: "Ruxin, what happened that day?"

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