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He swallowed the fusion silently, and the staggered memories were fused and become complete. The white wings stretched out, he raised his head and breathed slightly, and then opened his eyes.

Immediately, he left the secret room in the basement soon.

Under the silver moonlight, he walked towards the palace where the queen was.

Beside him, there are blue spots of light flying around him from time to time... His back wings moved slightly, and those blue spots of light quickly disappeared.

At this time, Chen Ruxin in her dream was not sleeping peacefully, she frowned, as if she wanted to struggle to wake up from her dream.

The emptiness was accompanied by the feeling of nothingness, she didn't even know where she was, but a sense of anxiety swept through her body and mind, and she finally woke up from her dream.

Chen Ruxin breathed smoothly. The room was not very dark due to the moonlight. She couldn't remember the content of her dreams. This feeling made her even more concerned.

Just when Chen Ruxin was about to get up to pour a glass of water, she found a familiar figure standing outside the window. Her unique white wings quickly recognized her.  The other party seemed to have noticed Chen Ruxin and approached her.

"I'm back." A very simple greeting, Chen Ruxin looked at him, not knowing why he noticed a different feeling from him.

Alfonso hugged her directly, "Yeah." His chin touched her neck, smelling the faint fragrance of her body, and his heart was very peaceful.

He wants to protect her because she is his queen.

When Chen Ruxin stretched out her hand to hug him, her body suddenly became lighter, and the whole person was picked up by Alfonso.

"Alfonso?" Chen Ruxin subconsciously put his arms around his neck, and then he was gently placed on the bed.  He didn't leave, he just leaned over and looked at her, touching her cheek with his hand, the warm touch was very real, and the smell on her body was also very good.

"Aqin, you are my queen." He said.

Chen Ruxin sat on the side of the bed and looked at him, and said, "Yeah."

After the two personalities are merged into one, the Alfonso in front of him is no longer the previous one. He is Alfonso and Genesis.

He held her in his hand, with his fingers interlocking, and the two rings worn on the ring finger have become one body.  Alfonso's purple eyes looked at her tenderly: "It's great to meet Ah Qin."

From the beginning, the person who saw this most clearly was the woman in his arms. The woman he has always loved and cherished is also his queen.

Chen Ruxin met his affectionate eyes, and there were a few other things inside, which made Chen Ruxin's last little sleepiness disappear.

"Alfonso?" Before Chen Ruxin's words fell, his body was easily pushed down by him. His movements were very light, and it looked like Chen Ruxin fell down without holding his body.

Who knows, Alfonso didn't do anything else, he really just hugged Chen Ru's heart in his arms, put her arms around her waist, then gently closed her eyes, and said, "Go to sleep, it's still early before dawn."

"Yeah." Chen Ruxin was held in this way by him, and he gave up the idea of ​​drinking water and closed his eyes.  Before she knew it, she quickly fell asleep.

Alfonso, who was holding her, had difficulty falling asleep. The breath on her body made his body restless, but because he didn't want to wake her up, he endured it until dawn.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now