48(3rd w)

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Chapter 48:

It's cold and utterly cold.

This is Chen Ruxin's first feeling after regaining consciousness.  She slowly opened her eyes. This is a sleeping cabin, and the temperature has been adjusted to a low level.  Almost uncontrollably, there was a cold feeling on her face, she raised her hand to cover her face, and a strange coolness came from her fingers...

Chen Ruxin, who has integrated the memory of the original owner, knows that she has come to a new mission world.

This time, the system quickly transmitted the mission information of this world to her.

The huge amount of information made her feel uncomfortable for a while, but this discomfort quickly disappeared, so she began to organize the mission information of this world.

This is a future world. The earth has exploded in a catastrophe tens of thousands of years ago, and the star field has been affected and disappeared completely.  The human beings who survived the catastrophe went to another unfamiliar star field and began to multiply, establish contact with aliens and live in harmony for more than ten thousand years.

There are many intelligent races in the Star Territory, and their appearances are different, but this does not hinder the communication between different races.

This also makes the Star Territory civilization more all-encompassing, allowing all races to understand and tolerate each other.

Among the various races in this star field, only humans have the best fertility.

The number of members of each race has decreased. Only the human beings who came from the Primordial Star have become the largest race in the Star Territory after more than 10,000 years from the original dozens of people.

On the contrary, the race with extremely low fertility rate is the legendary "Hell".  It's just that the number of people in this tribe is scarce, and now only the royal family of the Augustus Empire in the star field still retains the blood of the Hull tribe.

However, for thousands of years, no one has seen the Helse tribe awakening to become the real "Genesis", the legendary noble race that looks like angels and is as powerful as the ancient demon gods.

As the human base becomes larger and larger, the influence of the power of the Federation in the star field is getting bigger and bigger, and the influence on the star field has even surpassed the few ancient empires that originally existed.

Among them is the target of the mission-the Augustus Empire where Alfonso Vitos is located.

Alfonso Vitos, the only prince of the Augustus Empire, is also the last bloodline of the royal family of the Augustus Empire.

This powerful empire, which once ruled several star regions, has also declined due to various reasons, making it extremely difficult for children to multiply.  And the blood of the Hulls did not make the genes of the royal family stronger, but for various reasons, they were weak and prone to premature aging when they were minors.

The legend of the Hull people has been washed away by a long time, but in fact, the Augustus royal family is not as beautiful and powerful as it was ten thousand years ago.  Because their appearance is really not good-looking, finding out the appearance of the task object from the memory of the original owner is indeed ugly to the aesthetics of the people on earth.

The original owner became a tool for his father, a brigadier general, to sacrifice for his official career, allowing the original owner to marry Alfonso Vitos, the prince of the Augustus Empire.

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