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After losing too much blood, Chen Ruxin felt that his brain became groggy, and before her consciousness fell into the darkness, she inadvertently put her arms around his neck.

...Will she die here?

Just when her consciousness was completely swallowed by darkness, the man on her body suddenly let go of her.

The light returned again, stimulating the eyes that lost their focus, and Chen Ruxin was a little dazed.

"Don't resist, you will die, don't you know?"

Chen Ru's strength was pumped out of her heart, and she was extremely tired. She closed her eyes and said, "...forgot."

Alfonso got up from her, hugged her in his arms, then bit his wrist, put the bleeding wrist to her lips, and squeezed a syllable from her hoarse throat: "Drink."

At this time, Chen Ru was so dizzy that he couldn't tell what he said.

Seeing that she was not moving, Alfonso frowned, put his bleeding wrist to his mouth, took a bite, pinched her chin, covered her lips, and fed her.

The strong smell of blood spread in the cave, attracting countless strange animals.  However, I don't know for what reason, those strange beasts were ready to move but didn't dare to take a step forward.

Tick, answer——

The bright red blood dripped on the surface of the ice, and it quickly turned into an ice flower, beautiful and mysterious.

In the groggy, Chen Ruxin's body began to become excited inexplicably, and every pore was clamoring.

When she woke up, Chen Ruxin found herself in his arms, his tongue was cold and forcefully pried open her lips and teeth, and she had to swallow the sweet liquid physiologically.

     ……is blood?

Chen Ruxin opened his eyes and saw his face covered with fine scales close at hand, and his scorched eyes looked at her solemnly at this time.  Perceiving that she was awake, Alfonso left her lips, and the bitten wrist was now healed.

"Didn't you say stay away from me?" His voice was hoarse, and the scarlet at the corner of his eyes made his whole face look even more hideous.

Chen Ruxin, who leaned in his arms, replied quietly: "It's too late..."

"..." Alfonso picked her up in silence.  When he fell into a frenzy, his consciousness was awake for a moment, knowing that this human woman had not resisted from the beginning, nor was there any fear or fear, and even took the initiative to hug him.

Alfonso laid her flat on a relatively flat rock, "Next you will feel a lot of pain, so you can hold it on yourself."

… Already felt it, Chen Ruxin knew that it was probably because he had drunk his blood, and nodded: "Yeah."

That kind of pain is not tingling, but as if every cell is going through the cycle of death and rebirth...Chen Ruxin wets his shirt with cold sweat, and Chen Ruxin's breathing is messy, biting his lips from time to time to suppress the groan that is about to be exported.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Chen Ruxin feels that he has lost consciousness after being soaked in water as if being picked up from the water.

Seeing that she woke up earlier than expected, Alfonso picked her up and walked out of the cave.

The outside wind blew on him, and Chen Ruxin shrank into his arms, "...where to go?"

Alfonso glanced at the deep night, "Go back."

The voice fell, and the black wings spread out, holding Chen Ruxin and heading towards the distant lighthouse.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now