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On that day, dusk fell, and Alfonso stood in front of the window and waited for a long time.

At dawn, when the first rays of sunlight in the sky spilled in through the glass window, it smeared on the man who had been standing by the window for the night.

The black wings spread out, blocking the light projected from the outside, and the room was instantly darkened.

"It turns out that you are also a betrayer."

He whispered in a low voice like a devil's whisper. He laughed, his face covered with fine scales was horrible at that moment, and his breath became sticky, "Aqin, who are you?"

"I look forward to seeing you again, my Ah Qin."



After a long flight, finally seven days later, the aircraft changed its shape again and landed outside the federal administrative area.

The instrument that had been trapping Chen Ruxin's limbs was lifted. The man in the front seat got out of the car first, and then opened the door for her, saying: "There are many offenses, but I also follow orders."

Chen Ru gave him a cold glance and got out of the car.

Looking up at the almost transparent metal building where military robots can be seen entering and exiting everywhere, a star eye standing in the air can be seen at the top of the head.

The star eye is like a small rotating blue planet, which looks like an ancient earth.

However, this is a huge data processor belonging to the Federal Army. The entire planet is under its surveillance, and it is even responsible for monitoring data on surrounding planets.

Chen Ruxin is no stranger to the picture here. After integrating the memory of the original owner, she knows that this is the location of the Federal Rights Center.  Every decision that has a major impact on the surrounding planets is sent from here.

Chen Ruxin gently touched his face with his hand, and the mask covering his face like a second skin instantly shrank and merged to the shape of a marble, put it away, and walked into the building.

After layers of defense systems scanned and confirmed her identity, a holographic image of her was posted in the central hall.

The huge information database is constantly operating to confirm her identity.

In the end, in just a few seconds, the information was processed by the central brain, and one door after another opened for her.

The man who came here did not have the order and was not qualified to enter here, so Chen Ruxin was the only one along the way.

The military robots in charge of vigilance all around guarded their posts and acted directly in accordance with the instructions issued by the central system.  Chen Ruxin walked through the white metal passage, and the metal doors opened under the control of the central system.

Pass through the bright and spacious corridor and stop in front of a gate.

At this time, a gentle voice sounded: "Welcome to Lieutenant Chen Ruxin." This is the artificially synthesized electronic sound of the Central Brain, which is already close to the voice of a young human female, and there is no sense of disobedience.

Chen Ruxin put her hand on the sensor next to her.

The artificially synthesized voice of the Central Brain Brain sounded again: "Your identity is confirmed, the marshal is waiting for you inside." The voice fell, and the door slowly opened——

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now