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Behind her, Angelo really sent her to the destination.

When it arrived, Angelo smiled slightly: "Aqin, that's it."

"Thank you, Lord Son." Chen Ruxin nodded slightly, and saw Sister Miria approaching here, and then left with her.

Watching her leave, Angelo turned and walked towards the place where the Pope was.

The daylight smeared on the ground through the colorful glass windows, and Angelo looked at the pope's residence in front of him, a few subtle ridicules flashed in the depths of his eyes, and soon turned into a pious appearance.

Across the gorgeous promenade, Angelo knelt at the feet of the Pope.

"Good day, get down."

"Angelo." The old pope looked at him with muddy eyes, his old voice was kind of gentle and kind: "My time is running out, you said to find Alice's container for me, five years  Did you find it?"

But in that remark, it has nothing to do with gentleness and kindness.

Angelo leaned down and replied politely: "Come on, this group of nuns with a very pure power, she may be able to bear the soul of Saint Alice."


"Sister Ah Qin."

A few gleams of light flashed in those cloudy and old eyes, and then they turned into gloomy cold again. He said: "If it fails again this time..."

"I am willing to swear with my life that I will never fail again."

"Okay, I'll believe you again." The pope's old voice contained murderous intent. This old man who has been in charge of the church for decades has an aura of no anger and prestige. Such killing intent made Angelo  Desperate restraint did not expose his hole cards.

After leaving the hall, Angelo let out a sigh of relief.

A faint shadow gradually stained his gentle blue eyes. He stared at the shadow reflected by the colorful glass window, his eyes squinted slightly.

"Time is fast...really, fast."

White doves flew by outside the window, rose vines stretched along the wall, and the pure white rose swaying in the wind.  Everything looks so peaceful and peaceful.

No one knows the thorns hidden in the shadows.

At the other end of the church, the rose-filled garden was fragrant.

From afar, Chen Ruxin heard the nuns singing beautiful poems, and the sweet singing made people unconsciously happy.

The white bird standing on the green branch tilted his head and looked at Chen Ruxin. When Chen Ruxin looked over, the bird spread its wings and flew away.

"Today is the day for the selection of candidates for the saint. The gods will enlighten them and find the one who fits the gods' hearts." Sister Miria said with a smile, "You are lucky, and the time of arrival happens to be the day of revelation.  "

"What about after the election?"

Regarding Chen Ruxin's question, Miria replied: "That will naturally become a saint who is above 10,000 people under the Holy See, and serves the gods and conveys the will of the gods together with the saint son."

"Then what if you can't be selected?"

Sister Miria glanced at her, perhaps thinking she was asking this strangely, she said: "I was sent away from the holy place by the priest."

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