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Chapter 12 First Grill (12) Memory in the Cage

Chen Ruxin felt unable to breathe, and hurriedly stretched out his hand and pushed on Xing Ye’s chest, but this kind of behavior undoubtedly turned into a desire to refuse and welcome. When his consciousness fell into darkness, Chen Ruxin was still thinking why he would take another one.  You can faint even if you kiss yourself...

Detecting that the people under her started not responding, Xing Ye’s brain instantly calmed down, and seeing her breathing evenly and closing her eyes, she fell asleep while kissing. Xing was angry and funny.

"This time, I will let you go first." Xing Ye raised his hand and wiped away the ambiguous marks on the corners of her lips with his fingers. His eyes were forbearance and restraint, and the person he couldn't bear to hurt was actually caught by the bug.  In this way, Xing Ye's long and narrow eyes glowed with cold light.

He lifted the person in his arms and walked towards the bedroom. Xing Ye sat in front of the bed and looked at her sleeping soundly. The restless heart miraculously quieted down.  He raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek. The narrow and long eyes hidden under the lens had a rare tenderness. It was not an illusion of perfection in front of a person, but a real and careful desire to protect this person's mood.  .

Chen Ruxin felt that his consciousness was being pulled by a force, and after the world turned around, he could feel nothing.  I don't know how long it took, Chen Ruxin finally regained some consciousness, but found that she was in a strange place.

It looks like a basement here, and she is locked in a golden cage.  No, it should be said that it is a huge birdcage made of gold... Chen Ruxin saw a familiar and unfamiliar man standing outside the birdcage, staring at herself with cold eyes... Xing Ye?

Is this person Xing Ye?  The facial features did not change much, but the aura around the body made people involuntarily fearful, not only indifferent, but also a gloomy and severe aura, which was a dangerous aura that was truly on the verge of a critical point.

Go away!  This idea suddenly occupied all of Chen Ruxin's perception.  But she found that she could not control her body, her soul seemed to be pulled out, and she could only watch the picture in front of her—

"Didn't I tell you to stay here at ease? Why do you want to escape?" Xing Ye's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and his tone was slow. He frowned and looked at her as if blaming a disobedient child.  How long to stay awake, don't force me." At the end, Xing Ye clenched his fists and covered his lips and coughed. Seeing the woman in the cage staring at him with hatred eyes, her heart hurts as if she was down.  It's going to die in a second.

After a long while, he slowed down, met her eyes full of hatred, and raised his mouth coldly: "Do you think Xue Mingxuan really likes you? Do you think he really will marry you? In this world,  Only I am sincere to you, only I really love you, and only I have never used you, never liked you because of your face! Xue Mingxuan is just to use you..."

"Shut up! Xing Ye, you are so disgusting! Six years ago, and six years later!" The woman looked a little crazy, and she had been in a closed space without light for a long time, except for Xing Ye.  Without anyone, the spirit is already on the verge of collapse.  She looked at the man imprisoned in the bird cage bitterly, and shouted hysterically: "I only love Xue Mingxuan in my life, even if I die, I won't like you! Why can't you let me go?!" The woman's voice was hoarse.  At this time, she was no longer the capable and calm detective of the police station. She just wanted to leave here and leave this perverted side. She cried desperately: "I finally tried to become his fiancée.  Marry him, why are you ruining my happiness!!!"

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