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Genesis, the legendary noble race that looks comparable to angels and is as powerful as the ancient demon gods.

The ancient books of the Star Territory ancient family record: They have white wings on their backs, their faces are beautiful, and they are ruthless and desireless. They are the order maintainers of the universe.

However, more than ten thousand years have passed, and no creature has ever witnessed the true face of Genesis.

As a result, such legends have been gradually forgotten over the course of history.

Now, in this way, the skeptical Zerg is the first to know that this news is like the knife hanging on the top of the Zerg's head, teaching them to worry all day long.

When the queen of the Zerg race received this news, her fear surfaced, and she hurriedly summoned her ministers to discuss ways, and only asked the one who could pity their ignorance and offense...

But as long as I think of the behavior that I ordered Edgar to obtain the Gui in Prince Augustus to maintain his appearance, I can’t stop trembling...


Cosmos calendar 4927 year, September 29th, evening.

The reason for the death of Augustus King Hubert Vitos in the palace is unknown.

The news came out, the whole country was shocked, and the domestic order was chaotic for a while.

On October 1st of the same year, the Federal Army marched into the Augustus Empire in the name of supporting the Augustus royal family to quell the chaos.

When Chen Ruxin, who was on γ star, learned the news, she was still at the banquet, and a bad premonition surged in her heart, and she quickly withdrew from the banquet.

What King Augustus said to her that day is vivid in my memory.  That day, he said that Alfonso would ask her... Chen Ruxin didn't understand what it meant, but now he understood a little bit.

What exactly did King Augustus know?  Why did you say that?

Also...who is the prophet?

Chen Ruxin doesn't know these yet.

However, at this time, the return journey was blocked, and the officers accompanying him immediately changed their faces and put Chen Ruxin under house arrest in disguise.

Staying in the hall, Chen Ruxin turned on his optical brain and couldn't find anything.

What role did she play in this operation?

Chen Ruxin stood in this world-specific building, looking at the cold and towering buildings around, his eyes were cold.


The planet where the Augustus Empire is located at the same moment.

A dazzling white vision appeared in the sky-someone saw a pair of white wings, but when they looked closely, there was nothing.

... It seems that the moment was just an illusion.

At this time, the Palace of Augustus was like a federal residence, with federal soldiers everywhere.

As far as Genesis could see, he saw such a scene, his eyes were completely indifferent, and he wiped out all those who broke into the palace.

Such a movement immediately attracted the attention of the senior officials of the Federal Army. When they saw the holographic image sent back, fear instantly enveloped them.

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