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The breath of that crack is actually the same as the breath of Alfonso...

This fact gave Chen Ruxin a bad feeling.


If her guess is not wrong, I'm afraid the world is trying to force Genesis to death.  Regardless of whether the result of the final mission is success or failure, Alfonso will eventually...

Chen Ru's heart and lips were subconsciously pressed into a line, which was obviously an unexpected result.  The interference of Heavenly Dao surpassed her imagination, she couldn't compete with Heavenly Dao, but she didn't want to sit on standby.

The system must know something.

Just when Chen Ruxin was about to inquire about the system, the starship had landed.

Before she got up, she saw Alfonso's figure walking towards her.  He is still wearing royal suits, and it seems that he has been dealing with government affairs since then.

Alfonso apparently learned of what happened on the starship. At this time, seeing her okay, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he still looked a little indifferent on the face.

     "You came."

She stood up, and Alfonso was held in her arms in the next instant. The familiar aura on her body finally relieved his expression a lot.

Chen Ruxin allowed him to hold him, and his hand gently hugged his waist.

After a while, Alfonso released her slightly, "Let's go home."

"Okay." Chen Ruxin's hand was held by him, and he left the starship together.

It was already afternoon when I returned to the palace.

Alfonso stayed with Chen Ruxin for a while, but had to leave because of his busy government affairs.

The current situation of Augustus is not so optimistic. The various races are forced by Genesis's strong strength and can't bear it, and there are many problems in internal affairs.  Because of his ten-year tyranny, his arbitrary actions eventually caused many hidden dangers.

For Alfonso, Augustus now has a very different meaning.

This is not only his own country, but also his queen, so he wants to maintain the common home of the two.

Time passed by inadvertently, and the stone hanging in Chen Ru's heart was still there.

Since that day has passed, the system has been silent, as if it was doing something to consider.

Chen Ruxin did not wait in place because of this.

More often than not, Chen Ruxin frequently enters and exits the Intelligence Bureau. Because of her queen identity, she can ignore any hurdles.

On this day, Chen Ruxin turned on the light brain.

Because Augustus no longer deliberately suppresses the human race, a small number of people have also obtained the corresponding status due to their own talents, but it seems very precious.

Fu Ningwei's name has also been widely known, not because of her outstanding appearance, but because she became the first national teacher in the history of the Jialan Empire with the support of Nolan Bellman, the new emperor of the Jialan Empire.

The title of this national teacher is not only a title, but also a suffrage.

This matter also made Chen Ruxin pay attention to it.

Although the world has changed because of Chen Ruxin, this change did not interfere with the original development of the story.  In other words, the changes initiated by Fu Ningwei will also happen...

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