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"Opportunity?" Qing Lian looked at his eyes and didn't notice.

"Exactly." The Zipao Taoist is Hongjun who has long been sanctified, and is honored as Taoist ancestor by the holy spirit of Dahuang.

The saint can know the present, the past, and the future with one thought.

But at the moment when he met her eyes, he didn't even know her future... At that moment, Hongjun seemed to understand something and stopped investigating the secret.

He replied: "You only need to wait for a while, and he will return to this world again."

After the words fell, the wisp of Yuanshen that had been nurtured returned to Qing Lian's hands.

The breath of Yuanshen is very weak, as if it will dissipate in this world in the next instant.

The feeling of regaining the loss made Qing Lian's hand holding the strand of Yuanshen a little unstable, "Thank you Dao Zu for your help." Qing Lian bent down slightly and thanked her.

Hongjun turned slightly to his side, saying: "Wang Dao is friendly and does it for himself."

Be sanctified as soon as possible.

Hongjun did not alarm anyone when he came, and when he left, no one knew about it except the other six saints.

Qinglian's figure disappeared from the battlefield between the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan.

As Qinglian left, Gonggong looked at the twelve ancestral witches and Hou Tu, and suddenly became unsteady. He shouted: "How unfair is the way of heaven treats my witch clan!!!"  To the side of Bu Zhou Mountain.

Buzhou Mountain is a Tianzhu, and the Tianzhu breaks, suddenly a big hole appears in the sky, and the flood goes toward the great wilderness.

This collision took the lives of countless holy spirits into a flood.  Among them, the most affected are the most vulnerable creatures in the Great Wilderness, and also the newly created race of Nuwa-humans.

In this predicament, only human life is the most vulnerable and the life span is the shortest.

The arrival of the flood flooded the homes of mankind and harvested countless human lives.

Human souls have nowhere to go, they are all gathered in the Asura Sea where the blood and evil spirits are the strongest in the Great Wilderness.

However, the battle between the Wu Clan and the Yao Clan ended in both losses.

Among the twelve ancestor witches, all except Hou Tu died in the battle with the Yaozu.

In that battle, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, the lord of the monster clan, blew the soul and the associated innate magic weapon, and the soul did not exist between the heaven and the earth.

There are countless deaths and injuries to the generals of the monster clan, and the vitality of the monster world is greatly injured, making the monster clan have to hibernate.

Houtu left the Wu clan. After the eleven brothers left, she walked alone in the predicament and unknowingly walked to the shore of the Shura Sea.

The witch clan is physically strong, and the twelve ancestor witches are even worse, but there is no primordial spirit in the witch clan, so they do not cultivate the primordial spirit.

It is also impossible to calculate secrets like other creatures.

Perhaps this is the reason why the Wu family ended up like this.

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