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Chapter 44

But when she left the hiding place, there was a feeling of palpitations before she walked more than ten meters, and she couldn't help but stop. This feeling made her scalp numb.  For the first time, she had an inexplicable sense of fear.

No, this feeling is—

Chen Lingshao!  Chen Ruxin didn't have time to deal with the things in his hands, turned around and walked back.

About seeing Chen Ruxin's steps in, Chen Lingshao couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Chen Ruxin put the things he had packed in his hands on the ground, then knelt down in front of him, took his hand and wrote: [We will leave here immediately.  】

Chen Lingshao's eyes dazzled, and then closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was a little puzzled. No one came near here. There were no zombies within a mile, but he still believed her unconditionally, "I may not be walking fast.  "

Before his words fell, Chen Ruxin directly hugged him and walked outside.

This time, Chen Ruxin completely relied on his intuition to choose the direction.  It is not the first time that Chen Lingshao has been held by her, and she put her arms around her neck very naturally. This kind of posture is more comfortable and can save her effort.  He didn't feel anything wrong with being held by his own woman princess.

All of Chen Lingshao's memories come from the underground research room, and the worldly view of right and wrong is too weak for him, causing everything he does to start with his own likes and dislikes.

Chen Ruxin's speed is very fast, even if she holds Chen Lingshao in her arms, she does not reduce her movements at all. She even starts to trot...

At this time, Chen Lingshao also faintly realized that something was wrong. He once again used his mental power to cover the surroundings, and after a while, he opened his eyes and did not notice anything abnormal.

There was no heartbeat or breathing, Chen Ruxin just ran in one direction.

Obviously I have been far away, but the feeling of danger has never disappeared. This feeling...like a frog locked in a snake's breath. No matter where it goes, it will be locked and can't escape...

Chen Ruxin suddenly remembered that night, at the moment when she blocked Mu Zhuo's attack for Chen Lingxiu, she seemed to feel a momentary stagnation in the space around her, but because she remembered Chen Lingxiu's body at the time, she didn't care too much.

I'm afraid it was at that time... Mu Zhuo!

The feeling of strangeness became stronger and stronger. Chen Ru's heart throbbed, and the crystal nucleus in his body seemed to be resisting that strange force.

However, at this time, Chen Ruxin did not realize that the eyes of the man in his arms were obscure, but disappeared quickly, as if it were just an illusion.

Chen Lingshao's eyes drooped slightly to hide the expression in her eyes, but she still hates her ruined body. Is she so untrusted by her?

I didn't notice the strangeness of Chen Lingshao at all. Chen Ruxin only wanted to put the person in his arms in a proper place.

"Did you see the steeple in front?" Chen Lingshao suddenly said.

Chen Ru was startled, and followed his words to look at the abandoned church in front.

"Go there." Chen Lingshao said quietly: "That's where I have been for six full years. I need something there."

Chen Ru instinctively wanted to refuse, but when he met his resolutely non-discussing eyes, after thinking about it, he chose to agree.  Walking towards the minaret, getting closer and closer, then according to Chen Lingshao's words, she found an extremely hidden entrance.

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