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Suddenly pressed under him, Chen Ru's mind regained a little, and when he met his eyes that were soaked in the darkness of night, only desire and possession were left in the depths of his eyes.

Chen Ruxin's body trembles unconsciously, not afraid, but an indescribable feeling.

I want to respond to him, but I don't know how to do it.

"Master...you can touch me too, okay?"

He has a low voice, low breathing, and a hint of pleading and urgency in his eyes.

Chen Ruxin stretched out his hand, stroked his face, from the brow bone down, his facial features are excellent, he was born with a arrogance of the world, but because he was born too delicately, he was weakened and became gentle and noble.  .

His lip color is very light and thin, and the shape of his lips is very nice.

Inadvertently, Chen Ruxin discovered that his brow bones seemed to be somewhat similar to those he had encountered in previous worlds. The pride and dignity in his bones were not due to being born in this world, but something that originally belonged to him.

It's like, no matter in which world Chen Ruxin meets him, he can always be recognized.

That is what he originally owned.

Chen Ruxin felt that he was beating faster, and allowed him to kiss himself and cater to his movements.

After Wushan Yunyu, Chen Ruxin lay in his arms and panted gently.

It was already night outside, and the stars were all over the starry sky. There were no lights in the spirit boat, but the night of the full moon made the inside of the spirit boat very clear.

Chen Ruxin fell asleep unconsciously.

Wen Danrong gently picked her up, put her on the bed, and hugged her to sleep.

Obviously, a simple method can be used to remove the marks on her body, but Wen Danrong did not do so. He likes her body to be stained with his own taste, like a wild beast instinctively marking his own belongings.

The night is deep.

The black dragon occupies a corner of the spirit boat at this time has shrunk into a small black snake, manipulating the direction of the spirit boat.

After dawn, Chen Ruxin still did not wake up.

Wen Danrong saw her breathing evenly, but she was asleep, so she stood by her side and waited for her to wake up.

It was not until noon that Chen Ruxin opened his eyes slightly, still looking tired.

Sensing that she woke up, Wen Danrong gently lifted her up halfway, let her lean on her, and asked softly, "Is it still uncomfortable on my body?"

"...Next time be more restrained." Chen Ruxin took his hand and got up from the bed. As soon as she stood firmly, she felt something flowing out of her body.  ."

"I want Master to be pregnant with my child." Wen Danrong put his arms around her waist and gently rubbed her lips, his voice sullenly rioted Chen Ruxin's eardrums, "I did a little too late last night, next time  Surely you won’t be tired, Master, okay?"

Is he... turning the topic off?

Chen Ruxin was a little helpless, but still replied: "It is not easy for a high-ranking monk to have children, and you don't know it."

"It's okay." Wen Danrong kissed her lips lightly and chuckled: "We might do it a few more times."

Chen Ruxin: "..."

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