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Chen Ruxin, who was asleep, felt a trace of coolness, and his heart felt cold.

Struggling to wake up from her sleep, she saw two half-open windows, and she walked to the window unconsciously...

A fluttering white feather fell on the window lattice.


At that moment, a burst of uncontrollable pain made her voice tremble.  Without even thinking about it, she knew what the man had planned.

How did he know?

It is impossible for Alfonso to monitor her actions, so only one possibility remains.  On that day, her dialogue with the system was heard by Alfonso...

Is this really unintentional?

     still is……

"System, was Alfonso outside the door on that day?"

"What day did the host say?" The system's joyous tone sounded in the consciousness, "Huh? The host's mission in this world is also going to be successful~ I'm one step away from the goal~ Congratulations to the host!"

Another consciousness of the system fell asleep.

Suddenly, Chen Ruxin seemed to remember this fact.

"...Host, you don't look happy."


The first ray of sunlight in the morning smeared on her, and Chen Ruxin raised her hand to cover her eyes, blocking out some dazzling light.

Turning his back, Chen Ruxin closed his eyes slightly, calming his breathing.

Fu Ningwei and Nolan Bellman can't move, otherwise the task will be lost, but Chen Ruxin doesn't want to let them go so easily.

Opening his eyes, Chen Ruxin went to freshen up.

At this time, Hilda also came over.

Chen Ruxin changed into a more formal attire under her service, and got up slowly after all preparations were made.

Outside, Meredith has been waiting for a long time.

Chen Ruxin went directly to the place where Nolan Bellman and Fu Ningwei were under house arrest. When they arrived, Chen Ruxin saw that they seemed to be doing well.

"I don't think it is a wise decision for you to provoke the contradiction between the Jialan Empire and Augustus."

Even at this time, Fu Ningwei still chose to negotiate with Chen Ruxin.

The situation in the Jialan Empire is also not optimistic. If she continues to be under house arrest here, it will be a different scene when she and Nolan return.  Obviously, Fu Ning Weile was not in the opinion of such a situation.

Chen Ruxin didn't have any extra words, so they let them go.

In the end, Chen Ruxin only faintly ordered: "Meredith, let someone escort them to the border of Jialan Country."

"Yes." Meredith took the lead.

After leaving the side hall, Chen Ruxin again ordered: "Give me an S7 mecha."

Meredith had a meal and then took the order: "...Yes."

Today’s Jalan Empire is no longer the previous Jalan Empire. Tillis Bellman is more powerful than she thought. She looks like a beautiful and exquisite doll, but she has sharp political judgments and at the same time.  A natural conspirator and careerist.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now