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"...Xing Ye." Qing Lian's voice trembled slightly, her hands tightly grasping the skirt of his clothes, and she gasped: "Tail, put it away..."

"Huh?" Xing Ye's cool fingertips brushed her delicate and smooth back, and a nasty smile appeared on her handsome face, and her hands fell down her smooth and white back, and her hairy tail became more unscrupulous...

Qing Lian trembled and could only let him move.

At the moment when the two bodies really fit together, they both breathed a sigh of relief...

The night is deep, but it can't hide the spring light in that room.


The next day, the afternoon sun poured in through the curtains, and the person on the bed whispered, and his feather eyelashes trembled.

After she slowly opened her eyes, she saw a person sitting in front of her, looking at her with her head down at this time.

"Wake up?" Xing also sat next to her, leaned into the quilt, and kneaded her sore waist, "Would you like to take a bath first?"

His proximity made Qing Lian's body soften instinctively.

Thinking of what happened last night, Qinglian couldn't help but began to sweat again, nodded, her voice looked a little hoarse and weak from last night: "Yes."

"The water is ready, you are still tired, I will hold you over."

Qing Lian nodded slightly.  Xing Ye hugged her in the quilt directly, Qinglian took his arms around his neck and leaned lazily on his chest, her face still a little tired, she didn't seem to be really awake.

Xing also carried her to the bathroom. The water in the bathtub was ready. Put the person in his arms into warm water. There was a familiar smell of flowers in the water, which made Qinglian naturally relax.  Come down.

Washing her body, Xing Ye's movements are very gentle, for fear of accidentally hurting her.

Looking at the marks on her body, Xing Ye lightly brushed her fingertips from above, then moved her hand to the back of her neck, kneading it for her with great strength.

Qinglian's lips overflowed with a comfortable sigh.

Xing also patiently washed her long hair. When her body was stained with the same smell as his own, his head dropped slightly, and the light cast a gentle silhouette between his eyebrows.

He wiped her body, and Xing also picked her up, dried her water drops on her body, and put on her bathrobe.

Every movement is extremely meticulous, just like treating a fragile porcelain doll.

Xing also did not wake her up, picked her up and left the bathroom, and gently placed her on the chaise couch.

Then he leaned over slightly, pressed a kiss on her lips, and left.

The breeze blew across the curtains, and the sun shone on her body, but avoided her eyes.

Qinglian hasn't slept this way for a long time, and this time she seems to be really tired.

Vaguely, she heard the sound from outside and the familiar sound of footsteps, and Qing Lian slowly opened her eyes.  She put her hands on the couch, got up slightly, and saw Xing Ye walking over with a bag in her hand.

"Did you sleep well?" Xing Ye put the paper bag in his hand aside, half kneeling in front of her, holding her hand and kneading.

Qing Lian met his pupils and said softly, "Very well, I haven't slept like this for a long time."

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now