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At that moment, Chen Ruxin's movements were slightly stagnant.

Under those eyes, Chen Ruxin almost had nothing to hide, and soon she returned to her senses and withdrew her gaze.

Looking at the crowd on the side, Chen Ruxin hid his figure and left.

And just after Chen Ruxin's figure disappeared from the crowd, the demon in the sky covered the thoughts of his eyes, and his eyes returned to the previous lingering affection.

"Thank you, Master Demon for sending me back." The woman nestled in her arms bowed her head slightly, as if embarrassed and shy: "Can you let me go?"

The Demon Sovereign regained his senses, released the woman he was holding in his arms, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Only this time, next time..."

Meniscus trembled, and his cheeks were flushed: "...sir Mozun."

However, seeing the figure of Demon Lord disappear, the black phoenix screamed, pulling the golden carriage, and disappeared into the sky.

After a long while, the meniscus suppressed that moment of heartbeat.

Everyone in the world is Dao Demon Sovereign with perverse style and unpredictable strength. Just stepping into the realm of Demon Sect, he meets Demon Sovereign.

That was the first time she saw Demon Venerable. For a moment, she thought she was seen through the illusion of her identity, but she found that she was just one of the men who was fascinated by this skin, and she felt relieved.

The man's breath is strong and terrifying, and his temperament is unpredictable. Fortunately, he didn't find himself.

She was originally Yuan Ying’s initial cultivation base, because she encountered a thousand-year-old snake demon in the secret realm, and Yuan Ying was eroded by the snake’s poison, and she died in the secret realm.  In the end, in order to gain a ray of life, the soul was attached to the soul jade, and this did not completely dissipate between the heavens and the earth.

Then, the soul-raising jade that she possessed fell into the hands of Meng Tianhao, and was saved by him, and obtained this body that was also in the Yuan Ying stage.

Although this body is a member of the magic door, she no longer has the opportunity to choose, and this body is exceptionally compatible with her soul, which is already very rare.

Of course, Meng Tianhao did not suddenly show kindness to save her.

But so what, she can also get a lot of benefits by double-cultivating with the cultivator of the gods.  This time I came to the Sky Demon Sect only to find someone's news for Meng Tianhao.

This body has a very high status in the Heavenly Demon Sect, and there is no particular close person, and it avoids the possibility of being discerned.

Thinking about it this way, she drove the flying magic weapon under her feet to the direction of the Sky Demon Sect.

As soon as Chen Ruxin walked out of the pastry shop, she raised her head and saw the figure of the woman in purple shirt.

The clothes she wore were exactly what Wen Danrong put on herself that day. Now that she sees that clothes are still worn on that body, but they no longer belong to her, there is a sense of indescribable feeling in her heart.

On that day, he abandoned his physical body and escaped from under Meng Tianhao's eyelids, so the physical body... probably fell into Meng Tianhao's hands.

The pure yin body in the Yuanying realm is what Meng Tianhao really wants.

Recalling the first time I met Meng Tianhao, the other party seemed to have an indescribable enthusiasm for him.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now