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Chapter 37

This kind of cognition makes Chen Lingshao feel a little strange...Is he actually eager for a female zombie?

Thinking of this, Chen Lingshao's breathing is slightly stagnant. It is hard to say what it feels like, but she is not disgusted.

However, Chen Lingshao at this time does not know how the disgust at this time will ferment in the future, and eventually she will be stuck in it and can no longer extricate herself...

Chen Ruxin returned to the giant tree and sat down on the raised roots. The mutated albizia tree seemed to have longer branches. I don't know if it was her illusion.

She looked at the branches hanging in front of her eyes. About ten minutes later, she heard the familiar sound of footsteps. She turned her head and saw Chen Lingshao neatly appearing in her sight.

Are you planning to spend the night in such a place tonight?

Chen Ruxin watched him approaching him suspiciously, and he stood in front of him, making Chen Ruxin had to look up at him.

He looked at Chen Ruxin condescendingly, under the red moonlight, adding an indescribable charm to her pale face. That face was originally born extremely gorgeous, and the ends of his eyes were slightly raised, with an indescribable charm.  .

Even the scary red eyes originally belonging to zombies look good...

Chen Ruxin quickly noticed his abnormality, his breathing rate and heartbeat were not correct, so he hurriedly stood up to support him, fearing that he would endure his physical discomfort.

But I don't know that her actions at this time made Chen Lingshao freeze all over.

He was very uncomfortable and wanted to resist, but he didn't do anything. He just said: "Let go of me."

Not only did Chen Ruxin not let go, but also directly lifted him up, and hugged him to the root of the tree where he was sitting first.  Then half kneeling in front of Chen Lingshao, holding his hand, wrote in his palm: "In front of me, don't hold on.  】

Chen Lingshao said: "Why?"

     【I will protect you.  】

Her actions at this time were like a knight swearing his loyalty to her king, making Chen Lingshao stunned for a while and forgot to refute her.  After her palm was closed by her, Chen Lingshao recovered. Recalling the scene just now, his heart trembled slightly...

He originally wanted to raise her first, to see if he could remind her of the events of her life, it turns out that he can't.

So, he discovered that her crystal nucleus was different from that of ordinary zombies. The energy he felt for the first time was very comfortable, and he had the urge to take this energy as his own.  He even had the idea of ​​killing her to get the crystal nucleus.

However, unknowingly, the relationship between the two has changed inexplicably.

When did it start?  Was it from the moment she left the base to see her subconsciously blocking him in front of danger?  Or was it the moment she opened those red eyes for the first time to reflect his appearance?

Chen Ruxin, who didn't know what the other party was thinking at all, was sitting quietly beside him, fearing that he would be warm, so he took the initiative to get close to his body.

The wind at night is very light, giving people an unreal sense of tranquility.

Chen Lingshao leaned her head on her body, closed her eyes, and was surrounded by a quiet breath, and soon fell asleep.

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