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Alfonso looked at her eyes like ancient fierce beasts, which belonged to the cruel and powerful predators. He lowered his head and looked at Chen Ruxin, who had not recovered his senses. His voice had an unspeakable magical nature: "We  Come and do something more comfortable..."

"...What?" Chen Ruxin didn't feel relieved for a while, only felt that his body was light and fluttering, and there was a strange feeling of early movement that did not belong to him.

Alfonso was very satisfied with her reaction, rubbing her lips with her thumb, "Humans call this kind of thing called Yushuizhihuan?"

"..." Chen Ru regained consciousness and looked at him, "Are you in estrus?"

There is a smile in Alfonso's eyes, "After signing a symbiosis contract with you, my estrus period has become unstable."


Alfonso’s cold-textured voice reveals a trace of unspeakable magic at this time, and it is extremely evil: "If I have not entered into a symbiosis contract with someone as an adult, I will enter the estrus at a fixed period of time each year. Now it is.  Because I have this contract with you, I can always..."

"..." Chen Ru understood, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

     ……Do?  Alfonso's heart moved, as if confirming with her: "Would you like to mate with me?"

Chen Ruxin looked at him calmly: "If it's you..."

However, before she finished her words, Alfonso was beaten up and hugged——

Chen Ruxin reflexively put his arms around his neck, "You want... now?"

But he heard his heavy breathing, and his voice became depressed and hoarse because of desire: "I can't wait."

The next moment, Chen Ruxin fell on the soft big bed, and then Alfonso was pressed under him.

Looking at her docile appearance, Alfonso's scaly hand touched her cheek, a look of longing appeared in his eyes: "I want to look at your face and do it."

"...Don't, it's not possible now." Chen Ruxin could not agree to this point.

Alfonso pressed on her and looked at her condescendingly, "Why?"

Chen Ruxin looked away, then closed his eyes lightly, and said softly, "You don't want to see it."

"I don't care what you look like, I just want to know what you really look like." Alfonso cares more, but unless she voluntarily removes the mask on her face, she can only cruelly peel off the mask by strong means, but this  This method will not be used on people close to you.

Knowing that he is paranoid, Chen Ruxin opened his eyes, met his dark eyes, raised his arm around his neck, and proactively kissed his lips.

After all, Chen Ruxin is not a novice, and the kissing skills have also been practiced.  She first licked his cool lips gently, the tip of her tongue traced his lips, and then she tentatively pushed her tongue into his mouth.

Alfonso's body temperature was low and his mouth was slightly cold. Chen Ruxin gently held his tongue and sucked, sometimes lightly and sometimes heavy.

Alfonso, who was stunned by her actions, returned to his mind, and then directly suppressed her heavily. Alfonso’s kiss was no longer tender and became very aggressive. Chen Ruxin couldn’t even kiss back.  Can passively accept his inspections.

Alfonso only loosened her a little until he felt that the person under him could not breathe. The silver silk between his lips was lustful, making people eager to move.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now