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Chen Ruxin felt his weight heavier, and then his hands were fixed behind his head——

"...Alfonso?" Chen Ru subconsciously opened his eyes and looked at him.

"Shhh, don't talk."

Alfonso’s cool fingertips lightly pressed her lips, and her low, hoarse voice could not tell the danger. When the dark purple eyes looked at her, they carried the evil spirit that seemed like nothing.  There is madness.

Chen Ruxin closed her mouth and stopped talking.

"Really good." Alfonso expressed his appreciation for her behavior, lowered his head slightly, and covered her lips.

Alfonso's movements were gentle and inconsistent with the expression in his eyes. He held her lips and licked, and after a long time, he put his tongue into her mouth.  His body temperature was slightly low, and his cold tongue was very comfortable, and Chen Ruxin unconsciously began to respond to his kiss.

However, her response instantly made Alfonso's actions intensified, the strength and occupation of the city, and she spared no effort to rob her of her breath and body fluid.  In the end, Chen Ruxin could only respond to him passively, and the body fluid that was too late to swallow slipped down the corners of his mouth, glowing with ambiguous water, which made people want to be agitated.

Alfonso obeyed the desire in his heart, unbuttoning her clothes, the softness of her palms trembling slightly, not sure if he was too sensitive or afraid of something...but he still didn't stop the movement in his hand, he held her  The tongue was sucking, and the strength was a little heavy, and Chen Ruxin's breathing became heavier, making faint gasping noises from time to time.

"...Ah, Fang Suo..." Chen Ruxin whispered his name softly, his faint voice seemed to endure something.

Alfonso's hand dug into her sensitive parts while observing her expression, the position of the hand stopped in place, tentatively agitated, and his deep voice smiled clearly: "What's the matter?"

Chen Ru's eyes were blank, but he rubbed his neck honestly, "It hurts..."

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt for a while." Alfonso stared at her, the purple under his eyes became extraordinarily bright and evil, "...is this here?"

"Um..." Chen Ruxin couldn't help but curled up slightly. A thin layer of sweat came out of her body. She clearly wanted to resist, but she endured herself. She called out weakly; "Alfonso... don't touch, that  Well……"

Her attractive expression is really attractive, Alfonso's breathing is sticky, the purple under her eyes is very bright, and the edges seem to be stained with black dirt, clear and evil.  His face showed a clear desire and dissatisfaction, and his body reached a critical point, but he still stirred her desire slowly, trying to make her show more seductive expressions and make a nice voice.

Chen Ru's lips were slightly open, and the pink tongue was faintly visible. Her breathing was slightly chaotic, and her body couldn't help but tremble under his hands... It was clear that the reason was still clear, but the body was sinking, her eyes half-squinted, inside.  Floating in a layer of water and light does not resist this feeling.

Perhaps it is because the person in front of him is different, so it doesn't matter if he does whatever he wants.

An unfamiliar sensation came from his body, the swelling pain was relieved in his hands, and Chen Ruxin slightly opened his eyes whose focus was not very clear.

Vaguely, I only saw a touch of gorgeous purple, like a large sea of ​​violet flowers, and like an addictive poppy, my body couldn't help shaking.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now