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Chen Ruxin's body was slightly stiff, and his breathing was unconsciously stagnant.

A touch of sarcasm appeared in Alfonso's eyes, and he said indifferently: "Do you think I should believe a person who doesn't even want to show his true appearance?"

The mask cannot be taken off yet, otherwise Alfonso would only kill her in a rage with this shell.  There is no benefit in this way, on the contrary, there are more uncertain factors, which will be very troublesome.

"Not yet." Chen Ruxin looked at him and said, "I didn't lie to you, trust me."

Alfonso's hand on her waist tightened a bit, and the other hand stroking the mask on her face, which looked very ordinary, so ordinary that even if it was thrown into the crowd, it would not attract anyone's attention.  But what is the real face under this mask?

For a moment, Alfonso wanted to know.

At this time, Chen Ruxin was almost sitting on his lap, and fearing to make his body worse, Chen Ruxin had always supported him without burdening him.  However, the strength of the hands holding her waist was really heavy. Chen Ruxin couldn't stabilize her body for a while, and she sat directly on his lap and crashed into his arms——

"I'm sorry, I didn't hold on." Chen Ruxin said, leaving from his arms.

The wings behind Alfonso moved, blocking her retreat.  Feeling embraced by the cold steel feathers, Chen Ruxin couldn't help looking at him, but couldn't resist.

"Do you human females always choose to hug you when they have a purpose?" He stated coldly.

"..." Chen Ru felt a moment of stagnation in his heart, and then shook his head: "I just have a numb leg."

Earlier, I discovered that this woman was very warm and soft, which inadvertently relieved the pain in his body a lot.  Therefore, when she sees that she is about to get up and leave, her body will stop her movement first.

"That's it." Alfonso made this decision arbitrarily, and instead of letting go of the wings surrounding her, he hugged her waist directly to bring her closer to him.

"..." Chen Ruxin was imprisoned all over, the scales on his body were very ice, and his body temperature was very low.  But the breath on his body gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity.  It was with this sense of familiarity that she could not leave him here alone to endure the pain during the awakening period.

"You are my pet." He held her wrist in his icy scaly hands and reminded her coldly.

Chen Ru lifted his heart slightly, and met his dark eyes, neither resisting nor agreeing.

It was the calm and gentle look in his eyes that made him feel tolerance and tranquility, and the force that had been tearing his soul at that moment became a lot lighter, and it became less painful.

Alfonso looked at her deeply: "You are my pet, you are not allowed to betray your owner."

This time, instead of the previous coldness, there is more declaration of one's own possessions, and the hidden strength and possessiveness that cannot be denied.

This time, Chen Ruxin nodded: "I will not betray you."

That night, the two embraced and slept for the first time.

The wind in the abandoned factory was very strong. Because the black wings blocked the wind, Chen Ruxin could sleep well all night, and the nerves that had been tight for many days were also relaxed a lot at night, so this feeling was especially long.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now