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Chapter 28

At this time, there was the sound of the door being pushed open, and the army boots stepped on the ground suddenly, and then a rough and thick voice sounded: "Lin Yi, I can't care if you keep a zombie as a pet, but don't do it.  I hurt the flowers and plants in my base, otherwise I will never end with you!"

"Hehe, yes, my base grows up." The familiar tone can tell that the two have a good relationship, "Don't worry, she will only be with me."

"I said Lin Yi, you don't have any habit...Although she looks pretty, but..."

The man called Lin Yi chuckled, "What? Are you interested in my hobby?"

"Cough cough...it's not the case, you are free, I will come and see you." After all, the footsteps are more urgent than before, as if there is a scourge behind them, the meaning of fleeing is extremely obvious.

Next, Chen Ruxin felt the sound of the operation of the instrument and the sound of liquid flowing through the pipe. It was not the sound of water.

A red shadow appeared in front of Chen Ruxin's eyes. No, it was not a red shadow, but the images reflected by her retina were all red, the same color as blood.  The world in the eyes of zombies is really different from what humans see. It is probably the reason why the optic nerve is damaged by the virus.

"Congratulations to the host for coming out of the glass tank~" The next moment, Chen Ruxin's picture changed.

After a while, a person stood in front of him. Judging from his height, he was an adult male with a slender and tall figure. The outline of his facial features was definitely three-dimensional and beautiful. When he lowered his head, his slender eyelashes looked like butterfly wings.  Femininity, but there is a kind of beauty that is not like human beings, and is almost evil.

It is a pity that all this is reflected in her retina in red, as if she was wearing a heavy red filter.

Lin Yi lowered her head, and checked her with white gloved hands, and said, "The body cannot move for the time being, and it will take a few days before she can move."

Song Xiaojie, one of the assistants standing behind him, cautiously asked: "Dr. Lin, what shall we feed her?" Isn't it human flesh?

"It is enough to give her a Tier 3 zombie crystal nucleus every day."

"... Tier 3 crystal nucleus?" This appetite is so big that Song Xiaojie couldn't help but complain, but who made this Doctor Lin lack everything, that is, there is no shortage of high-level zombie crystal nuclei?

Lin Yi looked back at him, "What's wrong?"

He hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no, I will do what you say!"

"No, I will feed it myself." Lin Yi took off the gloves and threw them into the trash can, then took a dry towel to dry the hair of the female zombie with the potion, and then took out another one from a delicate box.  Comb the wood and comb the hair of the female zombie.  Lin Yi's movements were very gentle, as if he were treating a lover, Song Xiaojie couldn't help but be speechless.

This Doctor Lin shouldn't be real... Did you fall in love with this female zombie?  !

Song Xiaojie thought so nervously, and couldn't help but look at this female zombie who still kept the appearance of her life.

It's pretty good-looking, with exquisite facial features. Using his poor vocabulary, at least there is no second such good-looking woman in the entire base, although this one cannot be called a human.

If it weren't for those cold eyes that are unique to high-level zombies, he would really want to look more.  Those eyes had no whites, they were scarlet inside, and their pupils were dark with metallic texture. They were cold from the top of the head to the soles of their feet.

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