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"...!" Chen Ru's breathing was stagnant, not because of fear, but a sudden surge of emotion that is difficult to convey in words, similar to the feeling of distress.

Unconsciously, she slowly adjusted her breathing, and then looked at his eyes, her hoarse voice tried to make every word clear: "I'm sorry... for making you wait so long."

With just such a sentence, Alfonso's violent and gloomy aura disappeared instantly. He looked at her and held her with a much lighter hand, "It's fine to wake up, and you can't leave my side in the future."

His words were not pleading or comforting, but telling her where his boundaries lie.

How could Chen Ruxin fail to understand, and said softly, "Okay."

After hearing her affirmative answer, the breath on Alfonso's body is truly not as depressed as before.  He kneaded the palm of her hand, and then asked, "Do you feel it?"

"...?" After a while, Chen Ruxin understood what he meant, and replied, "A little bit."

"You have slept for too long, and your body is forced to sleep in the sleeping compartment. It will take a while to fully recover." After the words fell, Alfonso leaned over and hugged her sideways.

Chen Ruxin lay quietly in his arms, and when he arrived at a place similar to a bath, he said, "Here?"

"The water here can make your body recover faster." After answering her, Alfonso put her on a recliner, and then reached out to untie her clothes...

Chen Ruxin watched him take off his coat and then unbuttoned her underwear, "Alfonso..."

"Huh?" Alfonso stopped unbuttoning her bra and looked up at her slightly, "What's the matter?"

     "……I will do it myself."

As if he had noticed something, Alfonso stared at her like a torch, his thin lips curled up, and there was a trace of evil on his handsome face: "Can you move by yourself?"

No, Chen Ruxin lowered his head slightly, revealing the slender and white back of his neck.

Alfonso's eyes sank, and at that moment he wanted to bite it down... Depressing such a desire, taking a deep breath, Alfonso retracted his gaze and removed all her clothes.

Holding a naked Chen Ruxin and walking into the pool on the side, the water in the pool was warm running water. Put her in it. Alfonso didn't let go of his hand, but instead wrapped her body around her body carefully.  Let her be choked by water.

Chen Ruxin was submerged in the pool water, but because he was half-supported by Alfonso, he did not fall down.  Seeing that Alfonso was really just letting her soak in the water without doing anything else, he let him hold himself.

After a while, Alfonso saw that she was about to adapt, and only then began to wash her body.

Chen Ru, whose body recovered a little sense of consciousness, became stiff and turned to look at him, "...What are you doing?"

"Clean it for you." Alfonso replied, and the movement on his hand began to move downward.

Chen Ruxin’s facial expression was blank for a few seconds, and the familiar scene made her really wonder whether she should obey or refuse. Although she has done more intimate things, she can take a bath for her when she is conscious...

"...Don't, Alfonso." Chen Ruxin's cheeks were pressed against his arm, her eyes drooping slightly, and the blushing on her face did not know whether it was caused by embarrassment or the hot water in the pool.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now