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    "So." Chester's scarlet eyes became more vivid in the night, "I need you now..."

    His words penetrated Chen Ruxin's eardrums bit by bit, and then bit her neck, and blood was drawn from her body. , Chen Ruxin's legs were a little weak, and a strange numbness swept across the body, making her humming softly.

    Chester's eating actions this time looked very rude, as if intentionally, and left obvious but non-fatal wounds on her body before leaving her neck.

    Chen Ruxin fell on him, and Chester did not push her away. After waiting for a long time, Chen Ruxin eased over and left beside him.

    Facing his scarlet eyes, Chen Ruxin asked softly, "Is your injury all right?"

    Chester didn't answer her, but looked at her coldly.

    Chen Ruxin touched the wound on her neck, and there was a warm sticky sensation, still bleeding.

    "Then I'm going, be careful yourself." After saying this, Chen Ruxin turned and walked out of the abandoned temple, and a small bat flew in front to guide her.

    Although I don't know what Chester planned, but at this time Chen Ruxin could only choose to obey.

    It was night, but Chen Ruxin had to leave here and obey his orders to do the first thing he ordered.

    Fortunately, compared to the sultry heat during the day, it is a lot cooler at night like this.

    The moonlight is clear, Chen Ruxin can also vaguely distinguish the way out, but the high heels on her feet are not easy to walk, the little bat is flying slowly, is it resting on her shoulder.

    This bat was born out of Chester's blood when Chen Ruxin saw it with his own eyes. It had a certain connection with Chester, and he obeyed his orders, like a servant.

    Chen Ruxin followed it for a long time, and when he was very tired, he stopped and rested for a while, and then continued walking.

    When the moon was in the middle of the sky, Chen Ruxin faintly saw the spire in the distance, which was a landmark of the church.

    At this time, Chen Ruxin gradually couldn't see things clearly, and her breathing became rapid. Her heart seemed to jump out of her chest, which made her feel uncomfortable.

    After walking for a long time, Chen Ruxin finally couldn't support her body, and she fainted in the grass.

    The little bat flew around her for a while, then disappeared deep in the jungle.

    The sky will be white, and it will be near.

    The first to discover Chen Ruxin was a pair of sisters. Seeing that she was still breathing, she immediately called someone to help her, and then put her own clothes on.

    When Chen Ruxin woke up, she saw a young girl, about 23 years old, with blond hair and blue eyes, her facial features looked very gentle and beautiful, with freckles on her face, which weakened the sense of distance brought by an overly beautiful face. It looks more affectionate. And the little girl standing next to her looks like a ten-year-old, and her facial features are very similar to hers. She should be a pair of sisters.

    "Are you awake?" The blonde and blue-eyed girl smiled happily. "The doctor said your wound was caused by a vampire. Wait a minute, the church people will come over soon, and you will be fine.

    " ……Thank you." Chen Ruxin's voice sounded a little weak, and her tiredness made her consciousness a little groggy.

    The blond and blue-eyed girl took the freshly cooked food brought by her sister Bella, and her voice was very gentle: "My name is Marianne, this is my sister Bella, what is your name?"

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