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Chester looked at the place where she disappeared, and there was a burst of unspeakable pain and sorrow in his heart. He stood up and looked at the priest and Son Angelo outside the magic circle.

There is no emotional fluctuation in his eyes, and there is dead silence.

But it also makes people shudder for no reason.

At this moment, Angelo suddenly made a move, and the priests standing beside him looked at their son in disbelief, and fell unwillingly to the ground and swallowed.

"I'm not your enemy, Lord Chester." Angelo looked at him slowly, "I also had no choice but to carry out the orders given by the Pope, and I did not intend to really let Sister Achin... I said that might sound like that.  It's like defending myself, but obviously I have no malice against you."

Chester looked at him coldly. He was restrained by this person with silver spikes, and then he met Ru Xin.

For some unknown reason, Chester's murderous intentions gradually became less obvious. When Angelo saw this, he thought he had moved the other party.

Angelo took off the painting on the wall, and then the indoor layout changed. He said to Chester: "Leave here to avoid the guards outside."

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Miria who was still crying on her knees and said, "Sister Miria, you can stay in the church or you can choose to leave."

Miria moved her lips when she heard someone calling her name: "I...don't, stay."

Angelo's face is still gentle and elegant, "Then, please leave here too."

"It was you, it was you who killed Aqin." Miria suddenly shouted, "Master Saint, what do you want to do?!"

Angelo seemed surprised that Milia, who has always been meek, had such a side, but did not criticize her for being rude, saying: "The Holy See needs to change because Alice’s soul lives in the Holy Land, and the Holy See is more like the Holy See of the undead.  , This is unreasonable in itself."

"So you take advantage of Ah Qin?" There were tears in Miria's blue eyes. "Those who died, the nuns died like this, and there is nothing to send away from the holy place...because they all died here,  Died in your hands."

"When dawn is approaching, the night is the deepest." Angelo looked at her gently, "Some things always have to pay a price. What's more, Sister Aqin is not dead, just going where she should go...  "

"What did you say?" Chester, who had been silent, suddenly uttered, and teleported to him, pinched his neck with his hand, and could break his neck at any time.

Angelo didn't see the slightest panic on his face, because he still held a hole card all the time. He said, "Have you heard of the prophecy of the prophet?"

Chester's eyes were cold and his hands were hard.

"Ahem... that's she from another world... Ahem..." The neck was loosened, Angelo's face was a little flushed, and she leaned against the wall, panting, and continued: "Do you remember what she said last  ?"

——Wait, wait for me...bye...

Chester's eyes moved slightly, and his hoarse voice sounded: "She is still alive?"

"Yes." Angelo's face recovered a lot, and continued: "I only got the fragments of the prophecy, but this is certain. She must be alive."

She is still alive.

To Chester, this news was like a life-saving straw in the abyss of despair. His scarlet eyes looked at Angelo, and his hand easily pierced his heart, planting a blood slave contract.

The woman in captivity by the villainWhere stories live. Discover now