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At the beginning of the chaos, there is nothing, and the world is connected.

The world is a gray and chaotic world, regardless of time and direction, no boundary, no light, and only a cloud of chaos.

And in that group of chaotic vitality bred three thousand newly born demons.

In a flash, the time of ten Yuanhui has passed. A creature with two wings was shrouded in white light and was born in the chaos. It was the first creature with self-awareness.

The main road is rejoicing, and two radiances of redness and purple aura are lowered.

Hongmeng Ziqi merged into the primordial spirit, she opened her eyes, looked at this chaotic land, and slowly said: "I am a mayfly, named time, and in charge of the law of time."

Dadao acquiesced, and lowered the merits and purple energy to protect his body, so that his cultivation was worthy of a golden immortal.

In a blink of an eye, several Yuanhui time passed, and three thousand demon gods were born in chaos one after another.  They were born into the realm of the Golden Fairy of Hunyuan. Due to the influence of their origin, the demon gods are ferocious and combative. Since their birth, the chaos is no longer peaceful, full of killing and muddy air.

The mayfly body is weak, but it avoids the fight between the devil gods because of the grand purple air bestowed by the avenue.

She walked in the wilderness, her cultivation was stagnant in the Hunyuan Jinxian, and another Yuanhui time passed. She finally stopped. She took out her companion chaotic spirit treasure, the wheel of time, and she felt it in the dark.  Something.

That is the mind of Dadao.

But that trace of feeling is particularly chaotic, but it makes the mayfly feel dangerous instinctively.

No one can violate the will of the Dadao.

Mayfly took back his companion chaotic spirit treasure, and continued to walk in this great wilderness.  Because of the fiercest fighting of the demon gods, the chaos is full of slaughter and tyrannical air.

Those killings and tyranny affected the mayfly, who was also three thousand demon gods, and she wanted to sacrifice her companion spirit treasure to slaughter those demon gods.

However, because the Hongmeng Purple Qi is stored in her soul, she has always maintained a clear line of clarity, and has never fallen into a madness because of this.

Compared with those demon gods who are powerful and tyrannical, the mayfly is too weak.  The three thousand demon gods are all in the realm of the golden fairyland of the mixed element, and the strength is also comparable, even with the time of the first Yuanhui, it is impossible to tell a victory or defeat.

Although the mayfly is the first demon god born in Chaos, it is the weakest demon god. Because of his body, he has become the coveted object of other demon gods.

"Time Daoist, come out and fight me!"

The sound is like a sharp sword cutting through the chaos, that is the demon god of thunder, the Taoist of thunder.

The mayfly hides its breath and only shows up after the other party leaves.

The mayfly at this time turned into a body, inciting the transparent wings to leave silently.

Mayfly walks alone in the chaotic land, and more often sees the laws of the road.  As usual, she sat on the rock, closed her eyes and sensed the grand purple aura of her own soul. The grand purple aura was the foundation of the Tao, and contained the principles of the Great Dao, which also loosened her state that had been stagnant for a long time.

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